
Headteacher’s Blog

Break and lunchtime were manageable outside today, thanks to a welcome breeze and your help in ensuring that pupils were well prepared for outdoor activities in the sun. After two very hot days, the weather looks likely to cool down over the weekend and into next week. Please continue to apply sun cream to your child before they come to school, send in water bottles and hats so that we can safely take pupils outside and make the most of the weather and outdoor play and learning opportunities.

The eco-committee has been very busy, as usual, helping Bowmansgreen to become a more sustainable, less wasteful school community. This week, they discussed water management and spent time improving the (already fabulous) bug hotel.

Bug Hotel

On Friday 8th July, we will be holding a tea party to celebrate the school’s 70th birthday. Families will be invited to join the celebration at 2.15pm. We ask that families contribute £1.00 per child, paid via Schoolcomms, from Monday.

Please encourage your child to practise their times tables regularly and make good use of their Times Tables Rockstars or Numbots accounts. Year 4 pupils are currently participating in the Multiplication tables check (MTC) which determines whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12. We have been impressed by how many pupils in Year 4 know all of their tables securely and the speed and fluency of their recall.  Well done, Year 4!

Our Bowmansgreen Reading Festival has come to a close after a second, successful year. Pupils across the school enjoyed a week of activities to encourage and promote a love of reading, including D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) time, buddy reading with another class, book swap and finding a new place to read around the school. This afternoon, the school site was filled with pupils comfily enjoying a ‘read-in.’ It has been a great week, introducing pupils to new books and authors and hopefully inspiring them to value the importance and enjoyment of reading. Winners of the ‘design a book cover’ House Competition will be announced next week. Thank you to Mrs Davis for organising the Reading Festival events.

Please be aware that there have been a number of cases of chicken pox and suspected hand foot and mouth disease at school, during the last couple of weeks. If your child is unwell and you suspect either of these infections, please do not send your child into school and inform the office. Health protection in education and childcare settings – exclusion table

Free workshops for Hertfordshire families from Step2Skills – to book a place on any of the free 2-session workshops, visit the Step2Skills website.

It is almost time to welcome our Reception 2022 families into Bowmansgreen, for their first Stay and Play session. EYFS staff are looking forward to meeting their new classes and families next week.

Reminder – next week, Bowmansgreen families have a long weekend. Friday June 24th school is closed (additional jubilee holiday) and Monday June 27th school is closed as it is an INSET day.

Have a lovely weekend.