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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School


We identify the behaviour we expect
We explicitly teach the behaviour we expect.
We model the behaviour we are expecting.
We practise the behaviour that we expect.
We notice positive behaviour.


At Bowmansgreen, we have high expectations of all behaviour and conduct. Wexpect and work hard to ensure that all pupils feel happy, healthy and safe and make good progress in all areas of their learning and development. We recognise that a school with positive relationships; excellent teaching, learning and behaviour; and everybody taking responsibility and ownership for their own actions, provides the most effective, supportive learning environment for all. Our approach to teaching and managing behaviour is based on the recognition
and understanding that behaviour has meaning. For more details, please read our Behaviour Policy.

At Bowmansgreen, we constantly encourage and promote excellent behaviour and it maintains a consistently high profile across the school. We understand that pupils need to be taught, retaught and frequently reminded of behaviour expectations. We recognise the need for staff to practise the constant reinforcement of expectations so that they are clear, obvious and explicit to allWe aim to make it easy for our pupils to behave by teaching explicitly the behaviours we expect through our Behaviour Curriculum. Effective behaviour management requires a shared understanding of expectations between pupils and staff, and a consistent approach by adults who are relentlessly bothered about establishing excellent behaviour.