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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School

Welcome to our Parents and Carers pages

We are delighted to welcome you to our dedicated webpage for parents and carers. Here, you can find the latest updates, including half-termly Bowmansgreen's Best Bits, weekly newsletters, and important letters for each year group and the whole school. Here, you can find out how to effectively communicate with the school to ensure a strong partnership in your child's education.

Additionally, you will find information about our wraparound care services- Breakfast Club and Jousters- designed to cater to your child's needs beyond the traditional school hours. We also invite you to explore our active Parents and Teachers Association, Friends of Bowmansgreen (FOBS), which offers fantastic opportunities for parental involvement and support within our school.

Other essential information includes term dates and access to school apps such as the School Mobile App which will help you stay connected and engaged with all aspects of school life.