A governor's role is an important one. To find out more about their role, two of our Year 6s, Levi and Zara, interviewed our Chair of Governors as part of an article that will be published in the March 2025 edition of London Colney News.
a governors role interview jan 2025.pdf
All our Governors bring with them a range of different skills and experiences. Decisions are taken by the whole Governing Body, but to make the best use of everyone’s time and expertise, all Governors also join one of two committees. Committees work on particular aspects of school life and present their recommendations to the Governing Body for approval or discussion. These committees also meet in each half term, and are:
Our Governing Body
James Alderson | Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor |
Janet Matthews | Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor |
Louise Fleming | Headteacher |
Dan Klinger | Co-opted Governor |
Debbie Pitt | Co-opted Governor |
Anjili Shah | Co-opted Governor |
Sarah Pigott | Parent Governor |
Donna Kelly | School Business Manager |
Jake Garwood | Associate Member |
Trish Hamill | Clerk |
Rebecca Harvey | Clerk |