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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School


As a school governor, we are integral members of the 'Governing Body', working collaboratively with the headteacher to ensure effective school management. Our Governing Body is committed to providing every child with the highest quality education, actively driving improvements in school and student performance. We establish the strategic framework, set priorities, and approve policies and targets, routinely reviewing progress. While we delegate the day-to-day operations to the headteacher, we support their leadership and hold them accountable for educational outcomes. By engaging in school visits, we gain insights into the implementation of our plans, ensuring the vision for the school is realised positively.





All our Governors bring with them a range of different skills and experiences. Decisions are taken by the whole Governing Body, but to make the best use of everyone’s time and expertise, all Governors also join one of two committees. Committees work on particular aspects of school life and present their recommendations to the Governing Body for approval or discussion. These committees also meet in each half term, and are:


  • Behaviour and attendance
  • Curriculum and school improvement
  • Standards and achievement


  • Finance
  • Site
  • Personnel
  • Communication


Our Governing Body



James Alderson Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor
Janet Matthews Co-Chair, Co-opted Governor
Louise Fleming Headteacher
Dan Klinger Co-opted Governor
Debbie Pitt Co-opted Governor
Anjili Shah Co-opted Governor
Sarah Pigott Parent Governor
Donna Kelly School Business Manager
Jake Garwood Associate Member
Trish Hamill Clerk
Rebecca Harvey Clerk


Attendance Records