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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School

Jousters After School Club

Jousters At Bowmansgreen



Jousters Childcare are Ofsted registered and provide after school care at Bowmansgreen.

All children attending the school from reception class through to year 6 are welcome to join us subject to availability.

We are open Monday to Friday from the end of the school day to 6pm.

While children are in our care we believe Jousters has an opportunity to support children with their social skills such as sharing, taking turns, being polite and respecting each other and staff.

We work closely with the children's teachers to make sure each child has the best care possible. We believe children should be able to join in with a range of fun activities and should be encouraged to play, create, build and do, or simply relax & socialise with their friends. 

Follow JOUSTERS CHILDCARE on FACEBOOK to see what the children get up to and events for dates for our forthcoming HOLIDAY CLUBS and locations.