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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School

Performance Data and Ofsted

Please find our most recent performance results, relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.

Our school was inspected in November 2019 and was judged to be a GOOD school. Read our latest report and find out more detail.

Pupils enjoy coming to this caring, friendly school. Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils’ work and behaviour.
The school is a safe and happy place. Pupils follow the school rules, ‘Be kind, be safe, be respectful.’ This helps pupils behave well in their classrooms and as they move around the school. They are polite and considerate towards others.
In Ofsted’s survey of their views, almost all parents said that they would recommend the school to others. A typical comment states: ‘a fantastic, nurturing school where my child flourishes’.
Staff, leaders and governors work effectively together. They want the best for every pupil at the school.