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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School

Personal Development

For all pupils to flourish, succeed and achieve their potential


In line with our school’s vision for all pupils to flourish, succeed and achieve their potential, at Bowmansgreen we are wholeheartedly committed to nurturing the unique talents and interests of our pupils, ensuring that they are equipped for life in modern Britain. We offer a wide range of opportunities that not only challenge them academically but also empower them to stretch their skills, be it through the arts, sports, or leadership roles. This holistic approach enriches their personal development and enhances their understanding of fundamental British values—democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for diverse faiths and beliefs. It builds their character, so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others

We actively promote equality of opportunity and diversity, ensuring that every student feels valued and respected. Our high standards in fostering social, moral, spiritual, and cultural (SMSC) development reflect our dedication to enhancing their educational experience. We encourage pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and life perspectives, while fostering knowledge and respect for the diverse faiths and values of others. We inspire a sense of curiosity, and   Our pupils thrive on the joy of discovering themselves and the world around them. Our aim is to foster the ability to recognise right from wrong and apply this understanding in everyday life. We encourage students to appreciate boundaries, understand the consequences of their actions, and engage thoughtfully in discussions, all while respecting diverse viewpoints with enthusiasm and positivity. In a world brimming with differences, we encourage our pupils to embrace varying views, beliefs, and opinions with openness and consideration. Through appreciation of their own heritage and cultural diversity, they celebrate commonalities while recognising individual differences. We teach them to celebrate the rich tapestry of our society, focusing on shared values while respecting differences.

Additionally, we instill in them the importance of a healthy lifestyle, covering aspects of nutrition, physical activity, and mental well-being. Furthermore, they gain age-appropriate insights into healthy relationships, preparing them for positive interactions in their lives. Together, we cultivate a joyful and thriving learning environment that inspires every pupil to reach their fullest potential. We provide these rich experiences in a coherently planned way – through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Our Personal Development Curriculum is underpinned by SMSC Development and the fundamental British Values. Below, we have outlined each aspect of SMSC Development which have informed our curriculum, as well as how the fundamental British values are promoted at Bowmansgreen. The overviews below outline our approach to Personal Development at Bowmansgreen across the school. It is organised into 7 key strands: School values, the fundamental British Values, Pupil Leadership, Learning Outside of the Classroom, Extra-curricular activities, Collective Reflection and Behaviour and Welfare. Within these strands, we explain how personal development is promoted at our school and how it links to each aspect of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development.