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Bowmansgreen Primary School

Bowmansgreen Primary School


Safeguarding is paramount at Bowmansgreen. The school will endeavour to discuss all concerns about pupils with parents – we always aim to maintain a positive relationship with parents and work closely together with them to help keep pupils safe. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Children’s Services, Health Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with the Hertfordshire Child Protection procedures).


Safeguarding Team



Mrs Fleming

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Garwood

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Campbell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Miss Allen

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Kelly

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr Klinger

Safeguarding Governor


Online Safety 


In school, the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning provides for a safe and secure online environment. Many parents and carers do seek advice on how they can help their children to safe safe online outside of school. These websites provide comprehensive information about online safety and once parents and carers have a wider knowledge and understanding of the issues they can decide what is right for their family. Within Bowmansgreen, the children are regularly taught about staying safe online – including when using mobile devices.

The internet is an exciting and fun place for adults and children to use and explore educationally and socially. The challenge for parents, carers and teachers is to make sure our children are aware and understand how to be safe when using the internet and related technologies.

Find out about the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP), set up to ensure that so that all agencies and organisations that work with children and young people, work together to keep children safe.