
Headteacher’s blog – 11.06.18

Thank you to all of our current and new parents who turned out for out Open Morning on Saturday. It was great to meet some of our new reception families who we look forward to working with in September.

Headteacher’s blog – 11.06.18

Y6 are off to Osmington Bay! This morning we waved off  Year 6 who are heading down to Osmington Bay for their residential trip to PGL. Perfect weather for the start of their journey!

Sports News

Girls B v Fleetville
The girls B team travelled to play Fleetville in a representative match on Monday 23rd and came away winning 2-0.  Both goals were scored by Anisa with some great performances all round by all of the squad.  On a dry and bouncy pitch due to the recent summer weather, it was difficult to get any passing together so it meant it was a game for running with the ball.  It was a tight entertaining match and credit to both teams for working so hard in the heat.

Squad – Emily, Natasha, Jamyie, Kiera, Anisa, Sophie, Darcie, Abbi & Rhia.

Headteacher’s blog – 27.04.18

Another great turn-out for our monthly book swap event. It was great to see so many children taking new reads home for the weekend. Next book swap event: Friday 25th May. I hope to see lots of you there.

Headteacher’s Message – 20.04.18

I’m really looking forward to seeing our Key Stage 1 pupils having fun on their new playground equipment. ‘The Brig’ is now fully installed and looks amazing!