

To support your child’s learning in maths, Numbots (EYFS, KS1), MyMaths (KS1, KS2) and Times Tables Rock Stars (KS1, KS2) can be used to practise key skills.

Please let the class teacher or school office know, if your child has not had or forgotten their log-in details.

School Closed

Today, Friday 24th June school is closed (additional jubilee holiday) and Monday 27th June school is closed as it is an INSET day.



Statement for parents and carers

As you will be aware, there has been a lot of information in the news about returning trips to Italy over half term in light of the recent measures put in place by the Italian Authorities on Coronavirus.  

We would like to assure you that there is no cause for concern, none of the school trips run by Hertfordshire schools were within the ten towns which the Italian Authorities have put on quarantine measures and Hertfordshire residents remain at low risk.

If you have returned from the quarantines towns and develop flu like symptoms, please stay at home, avoid contact with other people and call NHS111.


Taking basic hygiene precautions remains the best way to reduce the chances of spreading any virus: sneeze or cough into a tissue, bin it, wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands.  Using a normal detergent to clean the surfaces people touch regularly like door handles and lift buttons is also sensible.


Please visit for the most up to date advice.

DSPL 7 Autumn courses for Parents/Carers

Please find attached details of courses being run by DSPL 7 for Parents and Carers in the Autumn term.  All booking information and course details are on the flyers including contact details.

Space ADHD

Simple Solutions Sally Glossop

Gross Motor Skills Development and Sensory Circuits Flyer PDF

Zones of Regulation 2019

St Albans Families in Focus CIC FREE Award Winning:

Handling Anger in Your Family Sept 2019 (1),

Complete Guide to Parenting Children with SEND Sept 2019