
Headteacher’s Blog

It was a longer than usual celebration assembly this Friday, with so many pupils to congratulate and celebrate. Sporting superstars, outstanding learners, safe cyclists, incredible role-models and talented mathematicians were all celebrated this morning, for their super achievements and efforts. Mrs Street led the assembly song, accompanied by pupils from across the school, signing the lyrics to the audience. We are a talented school community, with pupils to be very proud of and Friday mornings are always a great reminder of this.

Thursday was World Book Day. There is always a good reason to read a book and an even better one to share a story with someone else and pupils at Bowmansgreen managed to do both of those things in abundance on Thursday. Pupils took part in a range of book related activities, to support this year’s theme of ‘Reading is Power,’ including  poetry reading and helping to write a school story. A paired story time took place in the afternoon, involving all pupils across the school. Reception enjoyed hosting Year 6 in their classroom and settled down to hear a story or two with their older friends. Thank you to Miss Ottley for organising our World Book Day activities.


Hertfordshire County Council is keeping schools up to date with information and advice regarding coronavirus. The national guidance remains that schools do not close. We appreciate that some families will naturally be worried about local coronavirus cases within Hertfordshire. The local authority have stressed that current evidence indicates that most cases appear to be mild, with patients experiencing flu-like symptoms and that the new cases of coronavirus are nothing unexpected. The latest updates for Headteachers are around what schools should do if  a member of the school community should test positive for Covid-19 or comes into close contact with somebody who has. The local authority is discussing and planning strategies around possible and likely scenarios for schools and we will update the school community accordingly, if or when necessary.  In the meantime, it is school business as usual! We will continue to be proactive about hygiene routines and school cleanliness and ensure that school is well resourced and equipped to fulfill the ‘Catch it, Bin it. Kill it’ guidance.

Next week, Bowmansgreen will be supporting British Science Week, through a range of curriculum activities. You can look forward to finding out more about your child’s learning during science week, at our next curriculum evening on Thursday 2nd April.

Please be reminded that parent consultation evenings take place on March 24th and 26th. See your child’s class teacher if you have not yet made an appointment.

Enjoy your weekend.