
Headteacher’s Blog

The last couple of weeks at Bowmansgreen have been so busy!

Pupils enjoyed a special live event with Baroness Floella Benjamin, celebrating the 25th anniversary of her childhood memoir, ‘Coming to England.’ It was an inspirational talk about her family’s journey from Trinidad to England; her life and achievements; and included powerful messages about always having hope that things will get better, especially when life feels really challenging. For family members old enough to remember Play School, Humpty also made a special appearance! Each class has copies of Baroness Benjamin’s books so that pupils can read and continue to learn all about her interesting and inspiring life.

Last week, Y6 pupils attended a live, on-line workshop delivered by UK Parliament. It was an opportunity for pupils to learn about the work and role of the UK Parliament and Government; the work of MPs and members of the House of Lords; how laws are made; and how they can get their own voices heard. Pupils were also lucky enough to have a live Q&A session with Daisy Cooper, MP (Member of Parliament for St Albans).

This week was Walk to School Week  in London Colney. Pupils were encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school, to help reduce carbon emissions and encourage healthy habits and lifestyle choices. It is great to see an increasing number of pupils walking, cycling or scooting to school. Please remind your child to wear a helmet and ride safely and considerately, at all times.

Sustfest began on May 23rd 2021. This year’s district Sustainability Festival takes place until June 6th, with over 100 events for local families to get involved in. Assemblies this week focused on the importance of looking after our school and local communities and how we can all play our part to encourage sustainable living and protect the environment.

Sustainable St Albans: Food and Climate Change
Sustainable St Albans: Learning from Lockdown – transport
Sustainable St Albans: Learning from Lockdown – food waste

This half-term, our Eco-Committee has been busy bringing about positive change within our school community, helping us to be more mindful about the amount and types of waste we create and increase our recycling and composting. There are several, future eco-activities and events to look forward to, including the outcome of our super sunflower competition, the delivery and planting of tree saplings and our District in Bloom entries. Thank you to Mrs Gritz for all of her hard work, setting up, organising and supporting our Eco-Committee.

After half-term, we will be trialling Meat Free Mondays at Bowmansgreen. All KS1 and KS2 classes watched a presentation about Meat Free Mondays then took part in a survey to seek their opinions about this proposed change in menu. Every class returned a majority of votes in support of this trial which will begin on June 7th. Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (HCL) has adapted their menu to make Meat Free Mondays happen at Bowmansgreen. Pupil choice meal options through LiveKitchen also now reflect the Meat Free Monday menus.

We would like to recommend that pupils who eat a packed lunch on Mondays, also support this trial. Although we will encourage, we will not be enforcing meat free lunches as the expectation for pupils bringing packed lunches from home.

Our school council has also been busy this half term, meeting together with Miss Allen, discussing issues around healthy eating and wet play at Bowmansgreen. We are currently noticing an increasing number of unhealthy foods and snacks being eaten by pupils at lunch and breaktimes. Next half-term, we will be reminding pupils of our expectations and monitoring snacks and packed-lunches more rigourously. Please ensure that all snacks and packed lunches are nut-free and that items which are high in refined sugar, fat and salt, are avoided.

After-school football training, with Watford FC CSE Trust, successfully returned to Bowmansgreen this half-term. It is great to see pupils taking part in extra-curricular activities again. We are hoping to offer more after-school clubs next half term and will be sending out a survey to find out which activities families would be most interested in.

EYFS and Y6 families – please read this letter about height and weight checks.

Last week, our whole school attendance slipped just below 96% for the first time this term. Please ensure that your child is at school every day unless they are unwell or self-isolating – they have already missed so much school during the last two academic years due to the pandemic. Let’s try and finish the year on a high and achieve our target of 96%.

There is lots to look forward to next half-term, including: sports days; welcoming our new Reception 2021 families; the launch of our new Reading Newsletter; our Y6 residential trip and end of year performances; a celebration of reading for pleasure, with our first Bowmansgreen Reading Festival; and – hopefully – the further lifting of National Restrictions ahead of the summer holiday.

Enjoy your half-term.