
Remote Learning – update

This week, additional resources are available to support your family with remote learning. Please see below for how to access the resources on our school website.

From next Monday, all classes will again have daily maths and English video lessons. This week is a transition back to that format although some year groups have already provided those resources.

Your child’s new Home learning grid is now available. Grids will be updated every fortnight during the partial school closure.

We have updated the content on our phonics page which has resources for pupils of all ages. Phonics Play is one of the resources that we use to support the teaching of phonics at Bowmansgreen. It is currently free for families to use during Lockdown.      Log-in details.    Username: jan21    Password: home

We will be using Oxford Owl to support families teaching and learning reading at home. Families must register with Oxford Owl to access the free eBook library which provides access to a range of books, some of which can also be enjoyed as audio books.  We will shortly provide details of how families can log-in to the wider eBook library, which has more titles to choose from. More details can be found on our English page.

Take a look at our maths page to find games and activities to support your children learning maths. Here, you will also find links to the log-in pages for Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars to support pupils practise mental calculations.

We are continuing to build curriculum content on our school website so that families can be supported with remote learning. We will update families when new resources are available.

We look forward to seeing you all this week, via the remote catch-up meetings. Please book an appointment if you have not already done so. Bookings close at 4pm today.

Daily morning meetings for your children will begin tomorrow. Later today, you will be sent the link for how your child will access these meetings.


Headteacher’s Blog

Read about our new remote learning expectations here.

EYFS families, please read this additional document which provides details and information specific to your children’s remote learning.

Next week, all families are invited to a ‘catch-up’ meeting with class teachers, as an opportunity to see how you all are, to discuss remote and face-to-face learning and any other support needed, during this difficult time. You will have received a text earlier today, with a link to the booking system which will be live until Monday afternoon. Please let the school office know if you have difficulty booking an appointment. During this meeting we will also ask whether families need resources and equipment to support remote learning, such as exercise books, pencils, pens etc.

On Tuesday, our morning meetings will start for all pupils learning remotely. Families will receive an invite and link to the meetings which will take place via Microsoft Teams. These daily meetings will take place as follows: KS2  8.45am    KS1  9am

From Monday 18th January, weekly feedback and discussion meetings will take place for all pupils. Again, families will receive invites and links to these meetings which will take place via Microsoft Teams. Pupils will meet with class staff in small groups so that peer discussion and interaction can also take place.

Although there will be planned opportunities for reading during the weekly English lessons, we are looking into how we can provide more opportunities to support pupils’ reading whilst at home. We no longer have access to the programme that we previously used and we are currently looking at alternatives. Please read and share stories and other reading material with your children as often as you can as it is a great way of broadening vocabulary and developing other language and communication skills. We are also looking at how we can offer families a regular, safe opportunity to change and borrow books when needed.

We are continuing to build curriculum content on our school website so that families have a bank of resources that they can refer to and re-visit when needed.

A questionnaire will be sent to families next week about access to technology, to gain information about when and how pupils are accessing remote learning, to see if we can support any families where this is a barrier to successful remote learning.

Follow this link for information about increasing data allowances on mobile devices. Please let us know if you think you are eligible and we will apply on your behalf.

Enjoy your weekend.



Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you for all of your recent comments and queries regarding our remote learning. As mentioned in Tuesday’s communication, we have been reviewing our remote learning policy and provision.

Since September, we have provided daily, remote learning for all pupils who were not able to attend school, including due to self-isolation. In the autumn term, anywhere between 5 – 20 families were self-isolating per day and our school attendance averaged 95% for the term. We amended the model and resources that we published for remote learning, reducing the number of videos and changing our planning format.

The situation has clearly changed! The new national Lockdown means that currently, around 80% of pupils at Bowmansgreen are learning at home. We reviewed our provision, anticipating a possible change in DfE policy and to better meet the needs of the majority of pupils who would again be learning remotely. We also sent home workbooks for pupils in Y2-Y6 so that additional resources were immediately accessible for pupils, in the event of further restrictions.

There have been lots of questions about and requests for live lessons – this will not be part of our provision, at this time.  Although there are many obvious benefits of live lessons, they do come with some restraints and added pressures for families who have, for example, several children needing to access live lessons at the same time; limited devices; and working parents and carers, some with hectic or anti-social shift patterns. We hope that recorded lessons provide a level of flexibility and will create a bank of resources that families can access via our website, when it fits in with family life. There will however be daily opportunities for remote face to face interaction with teachers, which will be explained in our policy.

Our updated Remote Learning Policy will be sent out to families tomorrow and published on our school website, detailing our provision from next week.


Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you for bearing with us over the last few days and putting up with frequent late night emails and texts. I will try and make this the last one for a while!

There have been lots of calls and emails asking about remote learning and school lunches. We will endeavour to respond to all individual requests that are not addressed below.

Bowmansgreen’s remote learning is published weekly on the school website, although additional resources may be added throughout the week to supplement some units of work or activities. It currently includes lesson and unit plans and weekly videos delivered by class teachers. Pupils also have individual log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots (please let the office know if your child has forgotten their log-in) and workbooks to support reading comprehension and spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) for KS2. Half-termly Home Learning grids are also published on the school website – new grids will be available this week.

Hard copies of some remote learning resources are available – please contact the school office for more information.  We are currently reviewing our remote learning provision, in light of the new national Lockdown and we will update parents with any changes.

We are awaiting updated information and guidance from the Department of Education about the provision of free school meals for eligible children who are learning remotely. Hertfordshire Catering Ltd will provide food parcels for eligible families in the interim, and hot meals for pupils attending school.

If you are a critical key worker, please let us know if you are intending to send your child into school. It is essential that we have this information before your child returns, to help us effectively prepare and organise resources.

Please be reminded that all parents, carers and visitors are asked to wear a face covering whilst on site. We appreciate your support in helping to protect our school community.

We really appreciate the very kind messages that families have been sending in, expressing their support and appreciation during this very difficult and unsettling time. Thank you.


Headteacher’s Blog

Earlier tonight, the Prime Minister announced that England will enter into a new national Lockdown from midnight tonight, with measures coming into law on Wednesday.

In light of this announcement, all classes will now move to remote learning for most pupils, from tomorrow.  Pupils in all classes, will now only be able to attend if they are part of a key worker family or vulnerable group.

A letter will follow shortly, providing more detail about arrangements and how they affect your child.


Headteacher’s Blog

Having met with all staff this morning to discuss how we can safely re-open school tomorrow, I can confirm that some year groups will open in a limited capacity for face-to-face teaching.

You will shortly receive an email to confirm how this affects your child and what support is available.

Headteacher’s Blog

You may be aware that on Friday, the government u-turned on the re-opening of schools in London, extending the partial closures to primary schools in all London boroughs. There have been many questions and concerns raised by the local community about a similar situation in Hertfordshire, involving St Albans primary schools, including from Daisy Cooper, MP for St Albans. Currently, all Hertfordshire schools are in Tier 4. However, primary schools in the neighbouring ‘contingency areas’ of Three Rivers, Hertsmere, and Watford are to remain partially closed for face-to-face teaching but St Albans primary schools are expected to open to all pupils from tomorrow (Please be reminded that Bowmansgreen is closed for an INSET day tomorrow, re-opening on Tuesday 5th January).

COVID-19 Snapshot of Hertfordshire

There has been no new guidance from the DfE to suggest – at this stage – that the expectation to fully open schools in St Albans will change before tomorrow.

Decisions to open or close schools are complex. It is a very complicated situation with no best outcome that I can see, that will please or benefit all members of a school community, at once. There are many factors to consider and decisions to make, some of which are out of the control of the school leadership team and governors. The health and safety of all pupils and all staff is however, very much my responsibility and one that I do not take lightly.

A range of factors could affect how Bowmansgreen will open to pupils on Tuesday. They include a change in the law; a change in government policy or HCC guidance; staffing levels; and if our own school risk-assessment highlights any serious health and safety concerns that we cannot remove or mitigate. During our INSET day tomorrow, we will be reviewing our school risk-assessment, taking into account the local situation regarding cases of coronavirus and the health and safety concerns of the whole school community.

I have been contacted by families who have been worrying about sending their children into school whilst the number of cases are high and the new variant of COVID-19 is so virulent in the local area. I understand your concerns and the dilemmas that you face and would want to support your decisions to do what you feel is best for the health and safety of your family.

Whilst wanting to remain positive and optimistic, I also want to be honest and realistic and warn parents that we may face a scenario where the health and safety concerns of individual staff members mean that we cannot open fully, to all pupils. A situation where face-to-face teaching is not available for some classes is a likely possibility, from Tuesday. I will have a definitive picture tomorrow morning and will update families accordingly.

It is likely that for some classes, most pupils will need be taught via remote learning, which will continue to be published weekly, on our website. If this becomes the situation for your child, you will be notified as soon as is practicably possible. As was the case during the national Lockdown, school would continue to provide face-to-face teaching for a limited number of pupils.

I appreciate that this will immediately cause concern and worry relating to childcare, your children missing out on more time in the classroom and with their peers and the prospect of more home schooling. I am very sorry that this might be the situation but I cannot currently see an alternative solution that does not compromise the health and safety of members of our school community.

I will update families as early as possible tomorrow, once a review of our risk-assessment has been completed and the reality of the situation is known.

Headteacher’s Blog

Yesterday, the government issued new and updated guidance about the opening of schools next week. A new Contingency Framework has been published, setting out guidance for schools in specific geographical areas of the country where:
-there is extremely high prevalence of coronavirus (COVID-19)
-other measures have already been implemented

Watford, Hertsmere and Three Rivers are all listed as ‘contingency areas’ but not St Albans. This guidance does not therefore apply to Bowmansgreen (as a St Albans school) or other primary schools in London Colney or the wider district of St Albans.

Bowmansgreen will therefore be open to all pupils, on Tuesday 5th January 2021 (Monday 4th is an INSET day).

We will update families if the situation changes, following further local or national advice or restrictions.

We know that some families will be worried about a return to school next week given the local and national picture, especially if you have vulnerable family members who are shielding. We also appreciate that some families live in or have other children educated within the local ‘contingency areas’ which makes life even more complicated. The times that we live in continue to be problematic, unsettling and anxious for us all.

The updated information and guidance from the Department of Education (DfE) has been issued to local authorities, schools and the public at the same time. So far, a brief statement has been published from Hertfordshire County Council (see below) but we expect further information and guidance, to follow.

We will be reviewing our COVID-19 risk assessment in light of these updates and the changing local and national picture and will update families with any changes and amendments accordingly.

We will continue to provide remote learning, via our school website, on a weekly basis, for any pupil who is unable to attend school due to COVID-19, including self-isolation.

Mass testing for secondary aged pupils: the Government expects a programme of mass testing in secondary schools to be fully operational by January 18th, 2021. There are currently no plans for testing to take place in primary schools.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Bowmansgreen school community.

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year.

HCC statement on schools returning for the spring term

Hertfordshire COVID-19 Public Dashboard

Schools and childcare settings: return in January 2021

Contingency Framework (Currently not applicable to Bowmansgreen)

Guidance on Shielding and Protecting People who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19

Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you for continuing to send your children into school every day this term, despite your concerns about the continuing pandemic and balancing challenging family, school and work situations. Our school community has been amazing! Your continued support and confidence in the measures we have put in to place to keep your children healthy and safe have ensured that our whole school attendance is currently 95%. This is a very positive situation for Bowmansgreen pupils that we hope to at least continue, if not improve, next term.

Your child came home with workbooks today, to support their remote learning, should your family need to self-isolate or new National Restrictions are put in place. These books supplement the online remote learning that is published weekly, during term-time, on our school website.

If your child tests positive for COVID-19 at any point during the Christmas break, please notify school as soon as possible so that we can complete the relevant track and trace process with Public Health England. If required, we will then notify any other children or staff who have been close contacts and who need to self-isolate.

From today, we ask that you notify the school if your child tests positive, via the following email address:

This email address is to be used for this purpose only and will be monitored until Christmas Eve. Please do not call the school phone number or email admin@ as they will not be answered/covered during the Christmas holiday.

Remember, as soon as your child or any member of your household develops symptoms, they must start self-isolating immediately and book a test regardless of it being Christmas. If you are unsure whether symptoms suggest COVID-19 or an everyday cough or cold, you can consult this online NHS symptom checker:

Please take part in our Health, Relationships and Sex Education questionnaire, as part of our consultation to help shape and inform our new policies.

A Merry Christmas message from London Colney Parish Council… with a special mention for Bowmansgreen. Thank you and well done to Mrs Street, Zara and Lacey for representing Bowmansgreen so well.

Merry Christmas London Colney

Despite all of the very serious, confusing and sad news and events happening all around us, our school community has still managed to thrive this term. Pupils have worked hard, had fun, enjoyed being with each other and achieved a state of normality that seems to be working.

This week has been busy! Pupils have enjoyed pantomimes, parties, a delicious Christmas lunch, concerts and performances. Staff and pupils are exhausted – it has been a very long, often challenging term. Thank you everyone, for hanging in there and making it over the finish line today. A well deserved break is welcomed by everyone!

Well done and thank you House Captains, for helping to serve Christmas lunch to the whole school – great job!

As always, thank you for all of the cards, goodies and presents for staff – they are very much appreciated.

From all of the staff and governors at Bowmansgreen, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and safe New Year.

Roll on 2021!