
This week’s celebrations

Author of the week KS2: Willow

Author of the week KS1: Isaak

Reader of the week KS2: Amelia

Reader of the week KS1: Olivia

Mathematician of the week KS2: Rayaan

Mathematician of the week KS1: Jessica

Word of the week


Justice6C and 6A
Harrowing5S and 5W
Mission4G and 4DW
Plough3RW and 3G
Adore2MH and 2H
Rhyming1OW and 1D

This week’s celebrations

Reader of the Week: 2MH – Shlok


Mathematician of the week KS1: 1OW – Kevin

Mathematician of the week KS2: 5S  – Leo

Author of the week: 1D – Mariam

EYFS Update

We are looking forward to meeting you all in person this week and for your child to begin their journey with us at Bowmansgreen.
We are excited to announce some new members of staff who have joined our EYFS team. Mrs Neo (Early Years Lead) and Mrs Walker (Teaching Assistant) will join Miss Connolly, Miss Kay and Mrs Akbolat, to give your child a great start to their first year at school.
The EYFS classroom is ready to excite and motivate your child and we are sure that they will have a smooth and positive transition to Bowmansgreen.
Please be reminded that as well as the second Stay and Play session (Friday 9.45am – 11.45am), our Parent and Carer Welcome Meeting will take place this Friday, 10.30am – 11.30am. Settle your child in the EYFS classroom and then we will direct you to the school hall, where you will meet key adults who will be involved in your child’s school life at Bowmansgreen.
Stay and Play sessions – please read the message below that has also been sent via Schoolcomms.

When you arrive at school, please buzz the green pedestrian gate at the front of the school and you will be let in. Once on site, follow the path round to the right, onto the playground, where members of staff will greet you.

Due to a recent change in government guidance regarding the full opening of schools, we would like to encourage parents to wear face coverings tomorrow and Friday, during the Play and Stay sessions. Children are now more used to seeing adults wearing face coverings in society and as we will have a high number of children, staff and parents in the same classroom, we would like to take this protective measure, to support the health and safety of all parties. We appreciate that not everyone is able to wear face coverings, for a range of reasons.

We have a supply of single use masks available for you, if you do not have your own face covering.

Thank you for your support.

Headteacher’s Blog

We are looking forward to fully re-opening and welcoming back all pupils next month.

Wednesday September 2nd – INSET day (School closed to pupils)

All pupils return to school on Thursday 3rd September, 2020

Please ensure that you are aware of the timings of your child’s school day, for the autumn term.

EYFS and Y2Y1Y3 and Y4Y5 and Y6
Start time8.35am8.15am8.35am8.15am
Finish time3pm2.40pm3.05pm2.40pm

Around 180 pupils safely returned to school before the end of last term. We put in place a range of effective protective measures, for pupils and staff, to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus and to ensure that the pupils who returned were able to experience as normal and full a school experience as was safe, practical and permitted according to government guidelines.

In September, we will be maintaining many of the control measures and procedures that were put in place last term.

These include staggered start and finish times – please see new times above.

In September, only pupils will be able to use the back gate to access the school site. A member of staff will greet pupils on the path to ensure that they enter the school site safely. Pupils must say goodbye to other family members before they reach the member of staff on the path and then walk themselves into school. We will ensure that, where necessary, pupils are directed or accompanied to their classrooms until they are familiar with the routine. This measure is to reduce congestion on site and around the school gates and to ensure a one way system at the back gate. These arrangements worked really well last term and are necessary to help minimise the number of contacts that pupils and staff have.

If you would prefer to walk your child onto the playground, then you must use the front gate to enter and exit the site, where a one way system is also in place, to minimise face-to-face contact.

Details and information about arrangements for the autumn term.

Information for parents and carers about COVID-19 and schools in the autumn term.

Autumn Term Arrangements

With just over two weeks to go before the start of the new school year, plans and preparations are well under way to welcome all pupils back to school.

Please read the latest letters that have been sent to parents outlining some of the arrangements and protective measures that we are taking, to ensure that the full opening of Bowmansgreen is as safe as possible. Apologies if you have not received either of the letters – it appears that some families did not receive the emails via the Schoolcomms app.

Parent and Carer letter – end of year and autumn term information, including start/finish times

Parent and Carer letter – breakfast club

Breakfast Club survey – only complete this survey if you are in urgent need of childcare in the autumn term.

If you are a family new to the Bowmansgreen school community, we look forward to you joining us next month. Please take a look at the Parents and Carers section of our website for information and useful contact details. All new families will need to complete and submit enrolment and data capture forms before your child starts. These forms and essential information about school meals and uniform can be found on the New Families page, under the Parents and Carers tab.

The Chair of Governors and I have been to look at how the building work for the new Lattimore and Village Surgery development is progressing. We met with the site manager who reassured us that a new path will be in place and the back gate in full use by the beginning of term. The new path will be on the other side of the Caledon Club Community Centre, between the park and the building. The parish council is encouraging families, who would have parked at the Caledon Club, to use the car park in Haseldine Road and will be funding a temporary crossing patrol so that families can safely walk to school, to their preferred entrance.

Headteacher’s Blog

Miss Chilton has some important information for our Bowmansgreen Maths Rockstars. Find out who are the true legends, taking their places on the Rock Stars leaderboard. Game on, Mr Gowler!

Unfortunately, some of our families have now been directly affected by coronavirus and are coping with loved ones being ill or have lost family members during this pandemic.  Staff and governors at Bowmansgreen wish you all the very best and have you in our thoughts during this difficult time. If any parents are worried about the wellbeing or welfare of their children whilst they are not attending school, due to the impact of living through this pandemic, please let me know via the school office –  there may be additional support that we can provide or signpost to parents. Please read this letter for parents relating to how school is continuing to follow government guidance particularly relating to confirmed cases within our school community. There are lots of published resources that help children to understand the significance and impact of coronavirus, pitched at an age-appropriate level as well as guidance for parents to support their own and their family’s wellbeing during this pandemic, including the following:        Children’s Commissioner’s Guide to Coronavirus
Public Health England – guidance on mental health and wellbeing

I am sure you are aware that a government announcement is planned for Sunday evening about the easing of lockdown measures. There is lots of speculation that it will refer to the ‘re-opening’ of schools – when and how this will happen. Schools have not received any additional information about this announcement or an indication of any changes to the temporary school ‘closures.’ Once we know what the DfE expectations are and have a timeline of key dates, we will work closely with the local authority to ensure that we are prepared and ready to fulfil those expectations. We are likely to find out this information at the same time as the rest of the school community which may or may not be on Sunday. Fingers crossed!

The Duchess of Cambridge has launched a photography project with the National Portrait Gallery with the aim of building a collection of pictures reflecting how the country is coping under COVID-19. The Hold Still project is free for participants to submit photographic portraits and open to all ages and abilities. Find out more.

Mr Sanders and Miss Bliss have been busy preparing PE activities and resources that families might find particularly useful during the lockdown. Look out for these resources on the PE page of our school website from next week. (Learning – Our curriculum – PE and Sport).

Today is Victory in Europe (VE) day. The Easter Bank Holiday was moved to today, to allow for a range of celebrations to take place around the country to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Many planned celebrations have unfortunately had to be cancelled but a series of  VE day events will still go ahead for families to experience, from home. There are also plenty of resources for children, including from BBC Teach so that children can learn about this significant date in European history.

New distance teaching and learning resources will be available on the school website, from Monday.

Take care of yourselves.

Headteacher’s Blog

I hope that everyone is finding the distance learning resources easy to access and helpful for your children. New lessons will be available from Monday. The previous week’s lessons will remain on the website for you to access.

Please encourage your children to complete work in the school exercise books that they brought home – the writing book for any English work, the home learning book for maths. If you need any more books, please let the school office know.

Today, Captain Tom Moore celebrates his 100th birthday. Discuss this remarkable man and his amazing life with your children, through these home learning resources (poster, information resource and questions/challenges) from Picture News.

Captain Tom has now raised over £30 million for the NHS. As we all celebrate Captain Tom’s birthday and his incredible fundraising, I am sure that tonight, at 8pm he will be taking time out of his own celebrations to say thank you to our NHS heroes.

Don’t forget to join in by clapping, banging your pots and pans and cheering or if you have super musical talents…. play your drums for the NHS!



Headteacher’s Blog

From Monday, daily lessons are available for your child, accessible via the school website. Please read today’s letter that provides updated information about these resources.

Thank you to all those who have completed our Distance Learning survey. Please take part, if you haven’t already, as it provides important information to help us deliver our distance learning effectively. The survey closes on Monday morning.

The number of children attending Urgent Care and Emergency Departments across the country has dropped. Local authorities recognise that families are understandably concerned about taking their children to health settings at this time but this has resulted in some children presenting late and as a consequence, being very poorly. The East & North Herts and West Herts Trust have produced guidance for parents and carers  for when a child is unwell or injured, during this pandemic.

Teachers have already been very impressed with the quality of work that pupils have been producing at home. Miss Ottley would like to say a huge ‘well done’ to all of the children who have been busy practising their reading this week. Bowmansgreen pupils have read over 125,198 words in Reading Pro Library and spent 43 hours doing so! That was only is the first 3 days so ‘great work’  everyone who has been reading! Miss Chilton is really pleased to see so many pupils have been practising their number facts and times tables. I think she might even have set some pupils a challenge…. against her! Children, keep up the super effort with your reading and maths –  the more practice you do, the more confident you will become!

There have been a few issues logging into some of the resources. Please refer back to the initial information and instruction letters and the details for logging in – the usernames and passwords must be entered accurately, not using spaces unless specified. Let the school office know if you continue to have problems accessing any of the resources.

Miss Kay would like to shout out a special mention to our fantastic children in Reception who have been putting a big smile on her face with their amazing home learning. Miss Kay has been blown away with the quality and variety, including mini beast hunts, sound races, drumming and ‘posh’ robot phonics! Keep it up Reception – we are all very proud of you!

Miss Connolly is our star baker this week with her recipe for Banana Oat Cookies.

Have you got what it takes to do the football cupid shuffle? Miss Hancock has!