
Headteacher’s Blog

Friday night is Disco Night!!! Our children are loving the FOBS Glow disco this evening!  Thank you to all the parents and carers who have given their time so generously to make this such a fun event.

The children are having a wonderful time dancing the night away with their faces painted, glow sticks glowing and sparkle overflowing!

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Adam


KS2 – Lacey


Reader of the week

KS1 – Amaan


KS2 – Yusuf

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Olivia


KS2 – Adam


Musician of the week



Star of Kindness

Awarded by Miss Sutton – Keelan


Ms Scoot Award for Effort

Awarded by Miss Allen – Jaxson

Word of the Week

Week beginning 29.01.2024



Headteacher’s Blog

Yesterday our boys’ football team played in a tournament at the Watford Football Club training ground – there will be news of their achievements, and photos, in this week’s newsletter.  This afternoon, it is the girls’ turn.  They are playing in a home match against Abbey Primary.  Good luck girls and have fun!


Thank you to everyone who supported the bag2school clothing collection last Friday. We collected a staggering 460kg for reuse and recycling! Along with the pop-up coffee morning we raised an amazing £372 towards projects at school. Thank you once again to Mrs Stanley and Breakfast Club for hosting the coffee morning and to everyone who helped on the day or donated cakes.

At our meeting at the Colney Fox on the 23rd January we discussed our events for the term ahead and made plans for the rest of the school year.

On 9th February we will be holding our Glow Discos for KS1 4pm and KS2 at 5.30pm. We are encouraging the children to wear neon and glow-in-the-dark but all will have the opportunity for glow facepaint and tattoos and will receive a reusable glow ‘baton’. Squash and biscuits are included for the entry price of £4. Tickets are available through School Gateway with a ‘pay it forward’ option. If your family needs a free or discounted ticket, please ask at the school office. As always, we need volunteers to help with the event – please sign up at:

We’re pleased to announce the return of Crazy Hair Day on 16th February in return for a donation to our Rainbow Raffle – look out for a letter coming home with details of your year group ‘colour’.

Year 5 pupils in partnership with FOBS will be holding a Leap Day Sale on 29th February to raise money for new netball goal posts. This will include a donut sale, on the day raffle and more!

We will again be holding a Mother’s Day Sale in school time on 8th March which allows all the children to buy a present in secret! Gifts are priced between 50p and £3 so lots to choose from.

We are really excited to announce the first Bowmansgreen Colour Fun Run on 23rd March 2024 sponsored by Oliver & Akers. We are now open for entries through Tickets are open to everyone so we look forward to seeing friends and families tackling the course and getting showered with paint!

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Matei

KS2 – Lydia

Reader of the week

KS1 – Celine

KS2 – Zoha

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Adam

KS2 – Mavis

Musician of the week




This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Talia

KS2 – Harvey

Reader of the week

KS1 – Lily-Rose

KS2 – Oliver

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Oscar

KS2 – Abigail

Musician of the week




Word of the Week

Week beginning 15.01.2024
