
Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you all for your warm welcome to Bowmansgreen Primary.  It has been a true pleasure meeting you all and getting to know everyone in the community. Thank you to everyone who has taken a few moments to introduce themselves; gradually I will get to know you all – already there are many familiar faces and smiles each morning.  I am very mindful that many of our parents and carers work and so can’t be at the school gate or attend events during the day – I look forward to meeting you at the after school events which we have planned for later in the term.  This week’s blog is rather lengthy, there is so much to say.  Please be assured that they will not always be so long!

Last week was a whirlwind of sporting activity.  Our Year 4 Girls’ Football Team played their first ever match.  The final 6-0 score to Skyswood does not reflect how close the game was with our team really driving the ball forward and attacking well.  Well done to all the girls who played tirelessly, with a real hunger for the ball, and to Teddy and Henry, two of our Year 6 pupils, who referee-ed the match.  On Wednesday, our Year 5 Boys’ Football Team also represented our school, playing a match against Prae Wood.   They played tremendously as a team with great footwork and, after a stunning goal scored by Leo McCabe, finished with a 1-1 draw Well done to all of the team for showing such sportsmanship – we were very proud of you!  A big thank you to Mr Sanders who arranged the matches and co-ordinated the teams.

We ended the week with our first coffee afternoon of 2024.  We hope that this will become a regular event and it was really encouraging to welcome so many parents and family members – there was a wonderful buzz in the hall as everyone caught up on each others’ news.  Our Year 6 researchers did a wonderful job circulating around all of our guests asking them about communication to and from the school.  Their findings will now be analysed and used to inform decisions in the future. Whilst we are on the topic of communication, please look out for a list of this term’s dates which will be sent out to all parents later this week.

There was no escape last week from the Government’s focus on school attendance.  With this in mind, we will be looking at our school procedures and identifying ways in which we can improve our pupils’ attendance at Bowmansgreen.  Mrs Clark will be sending me a report each day at 9:30am of all the pupils who are absent from school.  We miss your children when they are not in – it is like a piece of our Bowmansgreen puzzle is missing – and so we want to work together to help them be in school as much as possible.  Of course, there are times when children are just too sick to be in school.  To help parents and carers make that decision there is advice on the NHS website which they can refer to.  This can be found by clicking here and on our school website. With the cold weather now upon us and the cost of living still high, Hertfordshire County Council are keen for families to know that there is support available if they are struggling financially.  If you would like to know more about accessing help or advice with trained councillors about energy bills, childcare costs, debt  or your happiness and wellbeing, amongst other things, please click here for more information.

I end this first blog of January 2024 with the happy news that Mrs May is expecting her first baby at the end of March.  She will be with us for a few more weeks and during that time will be working with members of the senior leadership team to ensure that there is a smooth transition when she begins her maternity leave. I wish you all a good week and look forward to working with all of your children over the next few weeks and months.

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Hidayah

KS2 – Henry

Reader of the week

KS1 – Alessia

KS2 – Feride

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Cali

KS2 – Theo

Musician of the week




Word of the Week

Week beginning 08.01.2024



Headteacher’s Blog

The last couple of weeks of term at Bowmansgreen have been very busy indeed!

Pupils were treated to a very special Anthony Glenn performance of The Nutcracker. They thoroughly enjoyed his re-telling of this classic Christmas tale, with some pupils taking centre-stage to help bring this magical story to life. Thank you, once again, to Anthony Glenn for visiting Bowmansgreen and putting on such an entertaining show. Well done to the brave and confident pupils who were chosen to perform with Anthony.

Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also took to the stage, to perform their Nativity plays to the rest of the school, their parents and carers. Pupils did so well to perform to such large audiences – many of them, for the first time – and they looked and sounded great! They all worked hard to learn their lines, songs and actions and made themselves and their families very proud. Thank you for ensuring that each performance was so well attended and for supporting your children to learn their lines and providing their costumes.

Year 3 and Year 4 pupils held carol concerts, again performing to the rest of the school and family members. Pupils, accompanied by Mr Bronstein on the piano, sang their hearts out and again proved what talented pupils we have at Bowmansgreen. They had worked hard, sounded great and performed well and they should all be very proud of themselves.

Thank you to all of the staff who helped (in the fore or background) to ensure that all of these performances were so enjoyable. The autumn term is always long and very busy and for staff, it is primarily about them getting to know their new classes well and ensuring they have a strong, positive start to the term. I am always so impressed and grateful that they manage to juggle all of that with the organising and rehearsing of the concerts and performances. Thank you!

Pupils and staff joined in the festivities for our Christmas lunch. The kitchen team, MSAs, support staff and House Captains, all helped to ensure that the lunch went very smoothly, was great fun and a happy, social school event – thank you everyone. A tasty meal, delicious desserts, crackers, hats and festive music helped bring our school community together.

We are often lucky enough to welcome new members of staff to Bowmansgreen. This term, we have a few new names and faces you might not yet be familiar with. Mrs Lawford has joined our site team; Miss Clayworth is based in Early Years; Miss Noonan and Miss Stanley have joined the inclusion team, working with pupils across the school. It is a pleasure to have them all on board.

Last Thursday, we held our second curriculum evening of the year – the focus subjects were history and geography. Thank you for ensuring that this event was so well attended. Pupils love sharing their learning with you and it is a good opportunity to have a chat with staff and see what learning in particular subjects looks like, across the school.

This year’s Christingle service was held at St Peter’s church, for the first time in four years. It was lovely to be back (even if in a slightly reduced capacity!) and it was definitely well worth the wait! Year 6 pupils led the service and did so brilliantly, singly beautifully throughout. As my final Christingle at Bowmansgreen, it was a very special, emotional occasion and perfectly demonstrated why I am so incredibly proud of the school, its pupils and school community. Thank you to Della, and the familiar faces who always make us feel so welcome at St Peter’s and for the families who gave their support, either in the walking to and from the church or for being part of the service, as a very proud family member of one of wonderful year 6 pupils.

Miss Golding and her new daughter made special appearances yesterday, with one of them leading the whole school assembly and the other one snoozing and snuggling her way through almost all of it – I will leave you to decide which one was which! As if I had not shed enough tears since last Friday’s Christingle, my final assembly at Bowmansgreen managed to squeeze out a few more. Thank you to the pupils, staff and governors who were able to share in the moment and wish me such a wonderful goodbye. I am incredibly grateful to the families and staff I have worked with; the opportunities, experiences and support over the last seven and a bit years. Thank you.

And so we have come to the end of another term and for me, the end of my final term at Bowmansgreen. I will say an official ‘goodbye’ to all tomorrow but I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the families, friends, staff and supporters of Bowmansgreen who have helped to make this last term so enjoyable and successful – we really are a super school community. I am a very proud Headteacher.

Thank you so much for your kind words, gifts and messages of support, all of which are hugely appreciated.

Enjoy a restful and happy festive period and look after yourselves and each other.

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Alex

KS2 – Harrison

Reader of the week

KS1 – Fletcher

KS2 – Raiya

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Tommy

KS2 – Marnie

Musician of the week



Star of Kindness

Awarded by Ms Lippa – Meila


Ms Scoot Award for Effort

Awarded by Miss Wetters – Elizabeth

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Lojeen

KS2 – Ryan

Reader of the week

KS1 – Nate

KS2 – Henry

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Felix

KS2 -Abiyan

Musician of the week


Word of the Week

Week beginning 04.12.2023



Headteacher’s Blog

Last Saturday’s winter fair was a huge success, with a steady stream of families enjoying the fun, activities and great atmosphere. Thank you to Mrs Duce and the FOBS committee for organising this event and to the families who supported and helped out in the run-up or on the day. It was a lovely community occasion.  The money raised by FOBS really does make a difference to your child and our provision at Bowmansgreen as it helps to fund items that we would not otherwise be able to prioritise due to the ongoing difficulties with school funding. Today, I had a sneak preview of the newly painted playground games that FOBS has funded. They look great and pupils will be so excited to use them. Thank you.

On Wednesday, Meila took part in the Advent Carol Service at St Albans Abbey. She bravely performed her solo reading in front of a rather large audience and pupils from schools across St Albans. Well done, Meila! She represented Bowmansgreen brilliantly and really did herself proud.

Please could I remind car drivers not to block the driveways of local residents during the school run. We have recently had several very upset neighbours who have fed back that when they have asked drivers to move from where they have blocked access, they have been ignored or challenged. Please ensure that driveways and paths are not obstructed as we would really like to keep our neighbours and pedestrians happy and safe.

As you might be aware from personal experience, there are a few bugs and illnesses currently doing the rounds. We appreciate that it can sometimes be an inconvenience but we ask that you keep your child off school for forty-eight hours after your child is last sick, to help prevent the spread of infections. Both pupils and staff have been affected recently, with stubborn illnesses lasting several days.

Congratulations to Sarah Pigott who has been elected as a parent governor at Bowmansgreen. Thank you to all five of the nominees for putting the time and effort into standing for this role. It is almost unheard of for so much interest in a governor vacancy and it is a very positive sign and reflection of the support Bowmansgreen has within the community. Thank you.

A Yellow Level 10 Cold-Health Alert has been updated for the East of England and is currently in effect until tomorrow. For up to date information, see the Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service. Please ensure that you send your child into school with a coat, hat and gloves next week, while the weather remains cold.

Next week, pupils can look forward to Anthony Glenn returning to Bowmansgreen, for a very special Shaking up Shakespeare performance of The Nutcracker. It is sure to be highly entertaining and provide lots of opportunities for crowd participation!

On Wednesday, we will have our Christmas lunch. All pupils are invited to join in the festive meal, served to them by staff and our Bowmansgreen House Captains. Pupils can also wear their Christmas jumpers on this day, for a £1 donation to Save the Children.

Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have been busy learning their lines and songs for their Nativity performances, which they will soon perform to the whole school and also their parents and carers. Year 3 and Year 4 have also been rehearsing, for their carol concerts which take place on the last Monday of term. There is lots to look forward to over the next couple weeks!

Mrs Fleming, Bowmansgreen’s new Headteacher, is hoping to visit next week; to say hello to pupils and so that we can begin the handover and transition to her taking over as the Headteacher after Christmas. She is very much looking forward to joining Bowmansgreen and I have been sure to stress how lucky she is, to be joining this wonderful school community.

Wrap up warm this weekend!



This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Lottie

KS2 – Oliver

Reader of the week

KS1 – Emmanuel

KS2 – Isaac

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Florence

KS2 – Mia

Musician of the week



Star of Kindness

Awarded by Mrs May – Rhema


Ms Scoot Award for Effort

Awarded by Mr Sanders – Lexi

Headteacher’s Blog

November 20th is World Children’s Day, with this year’s theme: For every child, every right. Monday’s assembly highlighted the significance of this date and discussed and celebrated children’s rights. We considered what rights are, why they are important and acknowledged that the rights of many children around the world are threatened. It was also an opportunity to reflect upon the fact that many children live in parts of the world where there is war or conflict and that, as the innocent victims, their rights are often denied.

The Childcare Choices website brings together existing childcare offers in one place so parents can access help that fits their family. This could be through Tax-Free Childcare, 30 Hours Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare. Some families might be eligible to use more than one childcare scheme together.
• From April 2024, eligible working parents in England with children aged 2 will have access to 15 hours childcare.
• From September 2024, the 15 hours childcare offer will be expanded to eligible working parents in England with children between 9 and 23 months old.
• From September 2025, eligible working parents in England, with children between 9 months up to school age, will have access to 30 hours childcare.
Visit the Childcare Choices website to check what offer you might be eligible for and sign up to the newsletter.

Tomorrow, our Winter Fair takes place, between 11am – 2.00pm. FOBS have been busy organising and preparing, to help make tomorrow a fantastic day for our school community. Come and have fun in the Snowball-nado; win one of the super raffle prizes; and find bargains on the stalls. Lots to keep everyone entertained! Enjoy the food and drink, face painting, dance and choir performances and much, much more! Join in the fun and help raise funds for our school. There might even be a very special guest…