
Purcell School Visit

We were very lucky to receive a visit on Thursday from the very talented musicians from the Purcell School. The children were thoroughly entertained and enjoyed participating in the performances.
Click on the image below to access the photographs.
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Sports News from Mr Sanders

Girls v Skyswood
The girls played against Skyswood on Thursday and ran away with a 2-0 win. They produced a fantastic performance, especially as most of the girls were playing their first match for the school. Anisa and Rhia scored the goals.
Well done girls!
Squad – Daisy, Bianca, Abbi, Darcie, Jacey, Keira, Anisa & Rhia.
girls football
St Albans Primary Cross Country Champs – Wheatfields
Well done to all of the children who took part in the Cross Country race on Wednesday afternoon. Here are the results:
Girls                                 Boys
Laila B – 15                     James – 18
Leila O-B – 41                Tommy – 50
Mya H – 72                      Zeph – 61
Mia P – 78                       Isa – 78
Anisa – 84                       Evan – 80
Lacey – 85                       Jack – 99
Cross Country

Breakfast Club News from Mrs Stanley – 03.11.17

Hope you all had a lovely break. Congratulations to Emily who won the Monster Pumpkin – hope you enjoyed carving it for Halloween! We all enjoyed our scrambled egg, beans and sausages today, followed by our Friday Movie’ Lego Batman.’ As winter is approaching, please make sure the children have warm, named coats with them. Have a great, safe Bonfire weekend and see you at 7.30am Monday morning.
Next week we are making our giant Poppy from Tuesday onwards so come along to make yours.

Star for Kindness – October

Congratulations to Maddie in 5CW, our October Star for Kindness. Maddie was chosen by Mrs Connell.

Christmas Lunch Reminder

Please return your child’s Christmas meal option form by Tuesday 7th November if they would like the Christmas dinner on Wednesday 13th December. Cost for KS2 children is £2.40.

Churches Together Food Bank Dates

Please find below the dates for the food bank at The Baptist Church, Kings Road. It is open between 10.00 am & 11.00 am on: Monday 27th November

Headteacher’s Message – 24.10.17

Well-being week has been a huge success and pupils have really engaged in the activities and opportunities to help them better look after themselves and each other’s emotional and mental wellbeing. Thank you to all parents who came to our first curriculum evening of the year where some of the resources and work that your children have used and produced this half-term were on display. Thank you to Mr Bailes for coordinating this event.
This week our wonderful house captains launched Bowmansgreen’s new house system. Soon, we will begin planning our first ‘house’ event so look out for details after half-term.
With half-term about to begin, many of your children will be looking forward to exercising their freedom and independence, spending some of their time together or with older children at the local parks. Please be aware that evidence and equipment relating to drug use has been found in a local park by some of our pupils. We will continue to advise and provide age-appropriate information to pupils about the dangers of drug use and how to take responsibility and keep safe in uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situations and we would encourage you to reinforce your expectations of your children if they are likely to be out on their own during this next week.
I am pleased to announce that Mrs Karen Penn has been elected as our new chair of Governors after Ms Louise Calder stepped down last term. On behalf of the school community, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Louise for all of her hard work and commitment to Bowmansgreen over the last few years.
I hope that many of you have had the chance to see our amazing new ‘welcome’ to the school that proudly sits at the front of the main entrance. The mosaic was based on the fantastic designs of three of our very talented pupils and funded by FOBS. It really is a stunning piece of artwork and I hope you will agree, provides a fitting welcome that reflects our wonderful school community.
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Harvest Festival. The Kings Road Baptist Church were very pleased with the donations.
I wish you a calm, happy and safe half term.

School Mosaic – FOBS Update

School Mosaic
We were very proud to unveil our new school mosaic today which was designed by Bowmansgreen’s children. Congratulations to Chloe E (Year 3), Max K-H (Year 4) and Camille E (who left in the Summer). We hope you agree that it looks amazing!
Fundraising Update
Thank you to everyone who came along on Friday or Saturday night. We raised an amazing £860.29 at the disco on Friday and £269.45 at the quiz night.

Breakfast Club News from Mrs Stanley

This week we said ‘good bye and good luck’, to Mrs Cooper, who has worked at Breakfast Club since we started just under 3 years ago. Thank you Mrs Cooper for all your hard work and for always putting the children first. We will miss you very much.
Our “Monster Pumpkin” competition has been very popular, with everyone hoping to win. To celebrate the end of Well Being Week we enjoyed different breads, muffins and fruit whilst watching the Lego Batman Movie.
Enjoy the half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 30th October at 7.30am