
Message from Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Council has asked us to share the following important information with you following a significant increase in coronavirus infections amongst 12-16 year olds:

Dear parent/carer

Thank you for everything you and your family are doing to play your part in the fight against coronavirus. Our schools and other education settings have worked extremely hard this term to help keep everyone safe. However, as we move into the Christmas holidays, it is of utmost importance that we continue to stay safe.

We have seen a significant increase in the number of coronavirus infections in 12-16 year olds and would therefore urge you to have a conversation with your child to make sure they understand, and are following, the Government regulations to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The actions you and your family can take to play your part are:

–               Wash your hands regularly, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and warm water or use an antibacterial hand sanitiser if soap and water isn’t available

–               Stay at least 2 metres (or 1 metre with other measures, such as a face-covering) away from those not in your immediate household

–               Wear a face-covering where required and when it is difficult to socially distance

–               Self-isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms

–               Do not socialise indoors with anyone who isn’t in your immediate household and only meet in groups of up to 6 people outdoors

Some areas of Hertfordshire will be moving into Tier 3 restrictions as of 00:01am on Wednesday 16 December (Broxbourne, Three Rivers, Watford and Hertsmere). Residents in these areas will need to familiarise themselves with, and adhere to, Tier 3 restrictions:

Please remember that while your child is in school, they are in a ‘bubble’, which is carefully managed by the school. However outside of school hours, they should continue to follow the most up to date Government guidelines, and we encourage you to explain this to your child.

If you choose to socialise in a bubble of up to three separate households during 23-27 December, which is the period the Government proposes to relax guidelines, please enjoy this time but please also remember to do so safely by continuing to follow good hand hygiene and socially distance where possible. Coronavirus is known to linger in enclosed spaces, so keeping windows open can also reduce risk.

We wish you all a safe and peaceful Christmas.

Hertfordshire County Council


We can’t quite believe it but Reception have been in school for a whole term! They have settled fantastically into school and have all worked tremendously hard in class. Well done Reception!
Our topic this term has been Festivals and our EYFS children have learnt about Diwali, Hanukkah and have finished the term learning about the Christmas Nativity. The children created Diva lamps, learnt about the Hanukkah candle and have enjoyed decorating our classroom, making decorations and creating their own Christmas cards during these last few weeks.
Reception have also been very busy in preparation for their Nativity. They have worked so hard to learn the songs, actions and all of their words ready to perform their show. All of the children performed beautifully this week. We hope you enjoy their show as much as we did.
Mrs Neo
EYFS Leader

Headteacher’s Blog

This week, school has begun to feel a lot like Christmas…..

Year 6 held their Christingle service, on Thursday. Reverend Pat Jones led the service at Bowmansgreen and despite not being in the usual setting or having the presence of the whole school community, Year 6 sang and read beautifully and really did themselves proud. This Christingle service might have been very different to those in previous years but it was no less special or enjoyable. Thank you and well done, Year 6!

EYFS and Year 1 have also been busy practising and performing their Nativity plays. It has been lovely to hear the singing around school and pupils have all been busy learning their lines, stage directions and songs for their presentation of The Christmas story.

We hope to have filmed versions of the performances sent to the parents of pupils in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 6, by Friday.

Pupils across the school have enjoyed a pantomime experience from Panto Online. They have laughed and sung along to a performance of Jack and the Beanstalk which has also helped to get them into the festive spirit. A few classes have yet to watch the show and can look forward to the performance next week.

Please be aware that the government has updated their guidance on the self-isolation period for COVID-19 close contacts – it will be reduced from 14 days to 10 days. This takes effect from Monday 14th December and is applicable to anyone who is currently self-isolating.

You will be aware that in the news this week, the government issued guidance about end of term arrangements and stated that schools could take the last day of term as an INSET day. We feel that this is too short notice, and with little advantage for families or staff, to make such a change and we will therefore finish on Friday 18th December, as planned. Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 will finish at 1.15pm and EYFS, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 will finish at 1.30pm.

Communication will be sent to families on Monday, confirming this and detailing arrangements for reporting positive cases of coronavirus during the Christmas holidays.

It is always a good time to discuss online safety with pupils. It is a regular cause of concern amongst parents and staff and a frequent theme of circle time conversations and PSHE lessons. With less for families to do outside of their homes due to National Restrictions, many children are currently spending more time online. Please take a look at the slides from last year’s on-line safety parent workshop so that you can help support your child navigate and stay safe in the online world.

Lots of organisations and websites also provide useful information and resources for parents about online safety, including Parent Zone, the NSPCC and the UK Safer Internet Centre.

We have introduced a new Behaviour Policy at Bowmansgreen. The policy has been shared with and explained to pupils during the last couple of weeks and we will be discussing and revisiting the key expectations throughout the course of the year.

The government introduced new guidelines for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, compulsory from September 2020. Although, due to the pandemic, schools now have until the start of the summer term 2021 to implement this policy, we are keen to get the Bowmansgreen policies and curriculum in place.

Families are key in their children’s sex education as they are the starting point for safeguarding, improving mental health and strengthening the parent/carer – child relationship. It is also incredibly awkward for many parents and carers, to broach or discuss the subject, even when the time seems right. It is therefore essential that school and home work closely together to support our children so that they receive accurate, age-appropriate information and the opportunities to raise questions and discuss issues relating to relationships, sex and health, in a safe and supportive environment.

Please read the initial version of our new Relationships and Health Education Policy – it includes our Sex Education Policy as an appendix. We would like to seek your views and opinions as part of a consultation process and would welcome any feedback. A survey will be sent out to parents next week, as part of the consultation.

The Department for Education (DfE) has published guides for parents, providing information about the changes to Relationships, Health and Sex Education and the consultation process. DfE FAQs: Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education.

Bowmansgreen uses the Jigsaw scheme of work as the main resource to teach our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum across the school, including RSE. Please also read their guide for parents and carers.

Our Year 6 House Captains have been elected to represent our school houses of Morpurgo, Kenny, Whitlock and Wiggs. Congratulations goes to Alex, Amelie, Harry D, Heidi, Kaia, Lennon, Ruby E and Tyler who have already set to work effectively representing their houses with pride and as role models for all pupils across the school. I look forward to working closely with them this year, to support the school’s leadership team and school community.

It was great to see everyone wearing their Christmas jumpers yesterday – thank you for helping to raise money for Save the Children as well as bringing some extra festive cheer to our school community.

Enjoy your weekend.


School is not the same without our EYFS families and staff – we hope that you are all safe, well and keeping busy.

Miss Kay, Miss Connolly and Mrs Neo are really missing you and looking forward to seeing you all next week.

The EYFS remote learning resources are regularly updated. There are lots of lessons, games, activities and resources to help support your child whilst they are learning at home. They can be found on the EYFS Year Group page of our school website.


See you all next week!

Headteacher’s Blog

Welcome back after the half-term break.

On 31st October 2020, the Prime Minister announced New National Restrictions, which came into force on Thursday. In light of these restrictions and updated Department for Education guidance, we have made changes to our drop-off and pick-up arrangements. Please read this letter for details. 

Independent travellers from Y4 – Y6 often walk to and from school with their friends, some meeting in the local park before or after school. In line with the New National Restrictions, pupils cannot currently meet as a group outside of the school gates and we will be reminding them of this, so that they do not break the law. Please reinforce these expectations with your children.

Word of the Week is back! Each class has a weekly focus word that links to a text, lesson, topic or discussion. Pupils investigate the word, to give them a deeper understanding of its meaning, use, spelling, sound and origin. Word of the Week is published on the website where you can see all current and past words, from across the school.

School attendance has been mandatory from the beginning of the autumn term with the usual rules on school attendance applying. Families are doing a fantastic job of keeping their children safe and healthy and getting them to school everyday. I’m not drawing any links between the joyful experience of home schooling and our current, near normal levels of attendance but…. we appreciate the fantastic effort that families are making at this difficult and stressful time. October attendance average:  Hertfordshire – 92%   Bowmansgreen – 95%.

Thank you to all of the families who contributed to our Harvest collection, organised by Year 5. Your generosity helped collect 390 items for the Churches Together Foodbank, to support local families at this particularly pressurised time. Reverend Wood, from the London Colney Baptist Church, has sent a letter of thanks to the school which I will share with families on Monday, highlighting what a kind and generous school community we are. Thank you.

Staff are busy planning and preparing lessons, topics and activities for the next six weeks. Although we will have to do lots differently, we intend to ensure that pupils enjoy a busy, fun half-term, as in previous years. There is lots to look forward to in the run up to the end of term, including a non-uniform day to support Children in Need, Odd Socks Day, Nativity plays, Christmas lunch, Christingle and carols. We will keep families updated with news of how and when these events will take place within current restrictions and guidelines.

Enjoy your weekend.

Headteacher’s Blog

Find out about our new remote learning provision and expectations, in accordance with updated government guidance.

Hertfordshire County Council is running a consultation on the proposed admissions arrangements for the school year 2022/23 and is seeking responses from parents, carers, schools and community groups. The consultation period runs until 6 December 2020. Please visit for more information and to respond online.

The Families First Portal provides information, advice and resources for Hertfordshire families, including signposts to local services and agencies.

Pupils enjoyed their special spooky lunch on the last day of the half-term. Have fun and stay safe this Halloween!


Reception have been at school for a whole half term!  It has been wonderful having the children in every day and to see them so excited to learn.
This term we have spent a lot of time learning about our topic: ‘Marvellous Me.’ Our next topic will be ‘Festivals’ where we will be learning about different celebrations that happen at the end of the year, including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.
All of the children’s Tapestry accounts have now been activated so please have a look at what your children have been learning at school. You can now share the exciting things you do at home, by adding them to Tapestry for us to see.
This week, your child received a book called ‘The Runaway Pea’ from the Book Trust. We hope you enjoy reading it together – we loved reading it here at school.
Have a lovely break and we will see you next half term.

Headteacher’s Blog

It has been an incredibly busy, often uncertain, seven and a bit weeks but overall it has been a positive start to the school year. Pupils are motivated to learn, working hard and enjoying being back in the school environment. Somehow, we have made it to the end of the half-term with all year groups in attendance. So far this year, we have been fortunate not to have had any confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst staff or pupils which is quite an achievement, considering the local and national picture. This is a really positive situation for our school community and suggests that our system of controls and protective measures to reduce the risk of the spread of coronavirus are having some success. With national statistics showing the number of positive cases, hospital admissions and deaths rising significantly in the last month, we must all continue to be careful, adhere to guidance and legislation and be proactive about keeping ourselves and loved ones safe and well.

What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term – updated guidance.

Take a look at the coronavirus map for schools site to see the latest Covid-19 infection rate in our local area.

Despite not being able to offer pupils the usual range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities, we have still been able to sneak in a few fun and fundraising events. Mrs Stanley managed not to blow away or get too soggy during her take-away coffee and cake event, to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Nicola and the FOBS committee organised the bags2school collection and the Crazy Hair Day, both of which were well supported by our school community and raised much welcomed funds for school. Today, pupils were treated to a spooky surprise at lunchtime, with a Halloween themed lunch organised by the kitchen staff from Herts Catering Ltd. Thank you to everyone who has helped to organise and support these events and bring some much needed laughter during this last half-term.

Today, we should have been holding our first curriculum evening of the year. Unfortunately, due to government guidance around social distancing and to comply with our risk assessment, we cannot currently invite families into school to enjoy such events. Pupils have been working hard during their history lessons this half-term and we would still like to share their learning with you. We will be making the work available to families and publishing examples from across the school on the website for you to enjoy. Parents will be notified and links provided, when the work is published.

Year 5 have been learning about Harvest and would like to invite the school community to share in their celebration and help collect items that can be donated to the local Food Bank. If you are able to contribute to their collection, please ensure that non-perishable food items are sent into school by Friday 6th November, 2020.

Please can I remind everyone to stay informed about travel advice and quarantine rules, if they are planning to travel during half term. The list of travel corridors (places you can go to where you may not have to self-isolate) is continuously changing. Check the latest travel exemption list on Any families who travel to a location outside of the approved travel corridor will need to self-isolate at home for 14 days on their arrival back into the UK.

Remember that school is closed tomorrow, as it is an INSET day.

Take care of yourselves during half-term.

EYFS Update

We are looking forward to meeting you all in person this week and for your child to begin their journey with us at Bowmansgreen.
We are excited to announce some new members of staff who have joined our EYFS team. Mrs Neo (Early Years Lead) and Mrs Walker (Teaching Assistant) will join Miss Connolly, Miss Kay and Mrs Akbolat, to give your child a great start to their first year at school.
The EYFS classroom is ready to excite and motivate your child and we are sure that they will have a smooth and positive transition to Bowmansgreen.
Please be reminded that as well as the second Stay and Play session (Friday 9.45am – 11.45am), our Parent and Carer Welcome Meeting will take place this Friday, 10.30am – 11.30am. Settle your child in the EYFS classroom and then we will direct you to the school hall, where you will meet key adults who will be involved in your child’s school life at Bowmansgreen.
Stay and Play sessions – please read the message below that has also been sent via Schoolcomms.

When you arrive at school, please buzz the green pedestrian gate at the front of the school and you will be let in. Once on site, follow the path round to the right, onto the playground, where members of staff will greet you.

Due to a recent change in government guidance regarding the full opening of schools, we would like to encourage parents to wear face coverings tomorrow and Friday, during the Play and Stay sessions. Children are now more used to seeing adults wearing face coverings in society and as we will have a high number of children, staff and parents in the same classroom, we would like to take this protective measure, to support the health and safety of all parties. We appreciate that not everyone is able to wear face coverings, for a range of reasons.

We have a supply of single use masks available for you, if you do not have your own face covering.

Thank you for your support.