Bowmansgreen’s Got Talent is back!
There has been an excited buzz throughout the school since this year’s competition was announced with pupils busy planning and rehearsing for their auditions. All classes have taken part in this stage of the competition – any pupil who wanted to audition was given the opportunity to perform in front of their classmates and audition for a place in the final.
Pupils have had great fun and been very supportive of their classmates. There certainly is a lot of talent at Bowmansgreen! Your child will have come home with a letter if they have successfully made it through to the final.
During the past fortnight, pupil absence has been high due to illness, particularly in EYFS and KS1 and we are therefore making a couple of additional places available for the final, for pupils who have not yet had the opportunity to audition. If your child has already auditioned, they will not be able to audition for a second time. Final auditions will take place on Tuesday.