
Headteacher’s blog – 11.11.18

Thank you to everyone who turned out yesterday for our Open Morning. We hope that you enjoyed your visit and were able to get a really good sense of our curriculum, values and ethos and had your questions answered. It was great to see so many new faces as well as existing members of our school community. If you would like to arrange another visit, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Shaolin London

Some Year 4 and Year 5 pupils have been taking part in a fantastic programme with Shaolin London. They have been working hard throughout the series of workshops focusing on fitness, resilience and courage and they have even been learning Mandarin! They have learnt so much through this programme and really enjoyed the experience. It is great to see how far they have come.
Last week, they visited the Shaolin Temple and spent the afternoon working on their Form, calligraphy, kick-boxing and meditation. It was an inspirational visit and the boys are already looking forward to their next visit.

Headteacher’s blog – 28.06.18

What an absolute pleasure it was to host the National Youth Choir of Antigua and Barbuda on Friday! The choir performed songs, dances and percussion numbers, including some well known tunes on the steel pan. They were amazing and literally got the whole school to their feet to join in. It was a wonderful afternoon of singing and dancing that brought the whole school together -we even learnt some new dance moves! I would like to thank the choir and the High Commissioner of Antigua and Barbuda for visiting and being part of a very special afternoon at Bowmansgreen.
The National Youth Choir are currently touring England, not only to entertain audiences but also to raise awareness of the destruction caused to the tiny Caribbean Island of Barbuda which was devastated by hurricane Irma in 2017. Bowmansgreen will be helping to raise money for the Hurricane Appeal fund. Please contact the school if you would like to make a donation.

Headteacher’s blog – 22.06.18

Y1 welcomed a very special visitor to Bowmansgreen. The IBF Super middleweight champion James DeGale, MBE, talked to pupils about his career, how he stays fit and healthy and what it takes to be a champion. He brought in his IBF belt, his Olympic gold medal and his MBE. What a fantastic, inspiring experience for Y1!

Choir sing at Radlett Centre

The choirs of Bowmansgreen, Fair Field and Newberries Junior Schools joined forces at the Radlett Centre on 16th June to raise money for the children of Barbuda who were affected by hurricane Irma last year.  They opened the concert with the song ‘Safe and Free’, written to raise awareness of the hurricane victims, before each having a solo item in the first half.  Bowmansgreen School Choir sang a pop medley, with excellent voices and actions.  In the second half of the concert they performed songs from West Side Story.  They appeared as the Jets and Sharks, acting out ‘The Jet Song’ brilliantly, with the schools pretending to be rival gangs.  In ‘Tonight’ they sang with the soloists Rory Carver and Elissa Street as Tony and Maria, and in ‘America’ they danced with hats and scarves with great enthusiasm.  They were joined by the chamber choirs Ursa Minor, who sang a comical version of ‘Officer Krupke’, and Ursa Major who sang a beautiful Les Miserables medley in the first half and a very moving version of ‘Somewhere’ in the second half.

The audience were amazed by the talent of the children and soloists, and many said that they had not expected it to be such a professional concert.  ‘A quality show’ was the general consensus.  Following the success of this event, plans are already in progress for a concert performance of ‘Joseph’ next year!

Headteacher’s blog – 11.06.18

Thank you to all of our current and new parents who turned out for out Open Morning on Saturday. It was great to meet some of our new reception families who we look forward to working with in September.

Headteacher’s blog – 11.06.18

Y6 are off to Osmington Bay! This morning we waved off  Year 6 who are heading down to Osmington Bay for their residential trip to PGL. Perfect weather for the start of their journey!