Early Years News from Miss Robbins – 02.02.18

This week
We have been learning about different vegetables, some of which we already knew and some we didn’t. We discovered that if we wanted chips we had to have potatoes! We have been reading sentences about “Oliver’s Vegetables”, trying to remember our ‘reading strategies’ that help us. We have done all sorts of pattern making including printing with vegetables, sound patterns and body patterns. To find out more about this, please come to the curriculum evening on Thursday next week.
Next week
We will continue learning about how to keep healthy using the book ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’. We will be reading a recipe to make a fruit salad and tasting different fruits. In maths we will be sorting and categorising. We will also be finishing our pattern work ready for the curriculum evening.
Fruit Salad
We will be making a fruit salad on Thursday and Friday next week. We will be providing some of the fruit but would be grateful if you could send your child in with one piece of fruit to add to this so that we have more to go round.
We are always looking for and collecting paper. This is quite an expensive resource and we are grateful for any donations. Scrap paper, old wrapping paper, left over wall paper, old used birthday cards (we only use the front) and anything else you can think of! Thank you.
Impressive Homework
 Zoha and Manav have really impressed us with their creative home learning this week. They have also tried exceptionally hard with their finger spaces and letter formation in their writing.
EY 1
EY 2
Well done!’