
Early Years News from Miss Robbins – 20.10.17

This week
We are feeling so good after all the activities we’ve been doing to promote well-being! We’ve been making sparkly Rainbow fish and talking about how it makes us feel happy if we are kind to our friends and share. We have all made a ‘glitter bottle’ like they showed us in the play we watched last week. When we shake them the glitter is racing around like our feelings and as we watch it settle, it calms us down. We have made flour filled balloons that we can squeeze when we feel stressed. We will all be bringing home a certificate that says what we think we’re good at, what our teacher thinks we’re good at and why our friends think we’re special. We had a workshop where we each applied a hand scrub and then soothing cream to make our hands soft. We listened to different music that made us feel happy. We also had pineapple and melon to eat to encourage healthy eating.
After half term
We will be starting our new topic of ‘colour and light’ with a bang by talking and doing activities to do with Bonfire night and Halloween. We will be reading the story of ‘Room on a Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and learning about rhyme. We will be making potions with a focus on adding and subtracting. We will be talking about keeping safe on ‘Bonfire Night’ and looking at the firework safety code.
Curriculum evening
It was lovely to see so many of you at the curriculum evening and we hope you enjoyed looking at some of the things the children have been doing.
The children are all independent now and none of them need help in the mornings so please say goodbye at the door. We will be starting ‘Reading Registration’ next half term so you can come in with your child on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to share a book or two with them. This finishes at 8.55am.
Bike Ride
The children have now raised £490! Thank you to you and to all your sponsors. We will now start ordering the new equipment for the children. It is still not too late if you haven’t brought the money in yet.