

FOBS had their Annual General Meeting at the Caledon Community Centre on Wednesday evening – thank you to everyone who came along. After the Chairperson’s and Treasurer’s reports were presented and approved, the FOBS attendees voted to adopt the PTFA model constitution from Parentkind. A constitution is a governing document that sets out the fundamental principles, practices, and purposes of a charity. The main change is that online meetings are allowed under the new constitution. A FOBS election process will be written to support this constitution.

Whilst all Bowmansgreen School parents and carers are automatically members of FOBS, the AGM voted to elect four trustees to formally manage the FOBS charity. Angela Duce (Chair), Danielle Sutton (Treasurer) and Liz Alderston (Trustee) were re-elected, and Abi Housley (Trustee) was newly elected. Sabrina Miller was co-opted as Events Coordinator. Sian Riches (Secretary) stepped down as a trustee. To succession plan for 2024/2025, FOBS member Lindsey Lee volunteered to work with the trustees to learn the roles.

The FOBS team are planning events and activities to give the children wonderful school memories. The Trustees will work closely with Ms Lippa and the new Head, Mrs Fleming, to spend the funds raised by FOBS on improving the playgrounds and supporting the Bowmansgreen pupils and staff where required.

Next FOBS events:

Fri 10th Nov 3pm Christmas Jumper Sale – KS1 Playground

Thurs 23rd Nov Non-school uniform day – for a donation for the bottle/chocolate tombola

Sat 25th Nov 11am-2pmFOBS Winter Fair Follow us on Facebook – Friends of Bowmansgreen School