
Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you to the parents and carers who baked, bought or turned out bright and early for a drink and a cake or two, in support of Mrs Stanley’s coffee morning. Mrs Stanley did a roaring trade and is very happy to announce that you helped to raise £342 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you Mrs Stanley, for organising the event.

The school entrance was busier than usual today as, alongside the coffee morning, FOBS also held their latest Bag2School drop-off. A mountain of donations were ready for collection, helping to raise much needed funds for our school. Thank you FOBS!

Most pupils have made an excellent start to the year in terms of their attendance, with our whole school attendance currently at 96%. Please ensure that your child attends school on time, every day so that they do not miss the teaching and learning experiences that they need, to enable them to flourish and reach their potential. Let’s see if we can maintain 96% attendance for the rest of this term!

Thank you for attending our ‘Meet the Teacher’ afternoons. We hope that you found the sessions useful and that they gave you an overview of what your child will be busy learning this year.

If you have not already done so, please ensure that you book an appointment at next week’s Family Consultations, to discuss your child’s start in their new class and the next steps that they will be working towards, this term.

Please can we ask that you do not allow or help your child to pull on the branches of the Horse Cheshunt tree that stands very proudly on the Key Stage One playground. It is currently heavily laden with conkers which always causes much excitement at this time of the year but some of the branches have been damaged and broken due to the force with which they are being pulled.

Tomorrow, our annual Open Morning takes place. It is a great opportunity for new and prospective families to find out more about Bowmansgreen, meet teachers and governors and look at work and classrooms. Current families are also welcome – it would be lovely to see you there!

During this morning’s celebration assembly, staff and pupils said ‘goodbye and good luck’ to Miss Golding as she worked her last day before starting maternity leave, next week. I am sure that you will join me in wishing her and her family well as they prepare for their new arrival, in not-so-many days time!

Enjoy your weekend.