
Headteacher’s Blog

Last Friday, pupils across the school had lots of fun at the first school disco of the year. It was lovely to see so many pupils, singing, dancing and socialising together, including many of our new Reception pupils enjoying their very first school disco. Thank you to the FOBS committee for organising another successful fundraising event.

This week has been slightly quieter than usual at school… as many of our Year 6 pupils have been away on their residential trip to Manor Adventure. They arrived back yesterday afternoon having had a fantastic time, taking part in a range of activities including bouldering, caving, paddleboarding, axe-throwing and archery. Thank you to Ms Franks, Mr Sanders, Mr Garwood and Miss Goodfellow, for helping to ensure that pupils enjoyed such a great time. I am sure they will all sleep well this weekend!

Please can we remind parents and carers that staff cannot give out, to classes, celebration cakes or any other sweet or savoury treats brought in by families, due to the risk to individuals with allergies. We have a number of pupils, across the school,  who have severe allergies to specific foods, including nuts, eggs and general dairy products and we do not want to risk their health by offering them food items that may contain any of these ingredients.

Next Tuesday, all pupils will take part in an online safety workshop. Each workshop will be tailored to the year group and delivered at an age-appropriate level. The topics covered will include: personal information and privacy; cyber-bullying; grooming and how it may occur; and how to report concerns.

There is a presentation for parents and carers to accompany these workshops, to provide an insight into the online world that our children inhabit and the reality of how they navigate this digital world. The presentation covers a range of topics including: what children are taught about online safety; the latest trends of what children are doing online; and the issues and dangers they face. We will share the link to this presentation next week – it will then be available to Bowmansgreen families, for four weeks.

Next Thursday is our first Curriculum evening of the year. We look forward to being able to share your child’s learning in English this half-term and hope to see you in the school hall, from 3.05pm – 4pm and 6pm – 7pm.

I am very pleased to announce that we have had five parents and carers who have been nominated to stand for election as a parent governor at Bowmansgreen. As we have had more nominations than vacancies, we must now hold a secret ballot. The ballot will take place after half-term, with details to follow about the process and how to vote. Thank you to the parents and carers who have put themselves forward for this vacancy – we really appreciate your interest and support.

Please be reminded that we have an INSET day next Friday and school is therefore closed to pupils. The following week is half-term.

Enjoy your weekend.