
Headteacher’s Blog

Bowmansgreen celebrated World Book Day in style this year, with pupils and staff dressing up as book characters or in their pyjamas, to mark this annual event in the school calendar. Masked readers tried to hide their true identities from pupils, as they talked about and read from some of their favourite books. Thank you to Miss Ottley for organising this event and to parents and carers for helping your children to look fantastic!

All pupils are currently studying a whole school unit of English based on the book ‘Tuesday’ by David Weisner. Throughout the unit, each year group will have completed one or more writing tasks. Families who have been learning remotely, please could the pieces of writing be emailed to your child’s class email address or brought into school on Monday so that they can be used to help plan your child’s next steps in writing, which will be shared at the Meet the Teacher meetings.

March 8th is International Women’s Day.  Despite all pupils returning to school on the same day, we did not want to miss out on celebrating this important date. All pupils will hear stories and learn about some amazing girls and women and hopefully be inspired by their adventures and achievements.

Please be reminded to book your appointment for Meet the Teacher, on Tuesday 16th or Thursday 18th March, 2021.

Breakfast club provision – information and update for March 8th

Three more sleeps until all pupils return to school – exciting!

Enjoy your weekend.