It has been a great first week of term! Pupils have returned to school settled, enthusiastic and ready to learn.
Monday’s assembly focused on our school rules (Be kind, be safe, be respectful) and values (Kindness, Respect, Friendship, Courage and Determination, Truth and Honesty, Trust). This half-term’s school value is kindness. Staff will be on the look out for pupils going over and above in demonstrating kindness towards their peers and adults around the school.
Please ensure that your child (or their younger siblings) does not go onto the play equipment before or after school. Staff are not able to supervise these areas during the drop-off and pick-up.
Yesterday’s announcement, of the death of Queen Elizabeth, was addressed with pupils during this morning’s assembly. Pupils were also given time in their classes, to discuss this news, share their feelings and ask questions about this historic event. We will follow DfE guidance and advice on the period of national mourning and expect further guidance and information to follow, regarding the funeral. We will also give consideration as to how to mark this occasion as a school community and update families accordingly.