Headteacher’s Message – 02.02.18

Friday mornings are always such a fantastic start to  the end of the week!
This morning’s breakfast club was extra special with some of our furry friends joining us in the hall. Cotton and Socks have clearly settled in very well to their new Bowmansgreen family because of all of the love and care they have received since they joined us.
Celebration assembly is such a positive and uplifting time and I am always immensely proud of the pupils who are recognised each week for their hard work, positive behaviour and growth mind-set attitude to learning. After half-term, we will be making some slight changes to celebration assembly and maybe a few new achievements to celebrate…
Next Tuesday 6th Feb is Safer Internet Day which is celebrated globally each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children. During the day, pupils will be involved in activities to reinforce e-safety. Next week, we will also be launching our new e-Safeguarding policy which incorporates a new IT Acceptable Use Agreement which every pupil in KS1 and KS2 must know, understand and sign.
If you would like to find out more about Safer Internet Day, please follow the link:    https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2018
Please be reminded that next Thursday we are holding our next curriculum evening which will focus on the subject of maths and the theme of pattern. It will be a great opportunity to see some of what your children have been learning in maths this term and we look forward to seeing you there.
Next week’s parent workshop focuses on grammar and punctuation. The expectations of writing for pupils in KS1 and KS2 have changed significantly over the last few years and this workshop will hopefully inform parents of the standards as well as the terminology involved. If you want to know your embedded clause from your fronted adverbial, come along at 9am next Tuesday! We will, as always, make the slides available for you after the workshop.