Welcome back!
This half-term promises to be very busy with planning already under way for our Nativity and Christmas performances, our carol concert and Christingle service. Please check the ‘dates for your diary’ for events relating to your child.
Pupils have returned after the break with a very positive attitude to their learning and they are producing some exceptional work. I have been so impressed with the quality of poetry that I have read across the school this week. Bowmansgreen clearly has some very talented poets!
Forest School has arrived at Bowmansgreen! This week, pupils in 3S were the first to experience this new part of our curriculum. They spent the day learning and working together outside and had a fantastic day. I am very excited about this aspect of our school curriculum which will make the most of our wonderful school grounds and help to build pupils’ resilience, collaboration skills and self-esteem through hands-on outdoor learning experiences. Mrs Stanley will contact parents when it is the turn of your child and their wellies!
Today, pupils in Y1-Y6 were able to take part in the Big First Aid Lesson which was live-streamed to their classrooms. This interactive lesson, organised by St John’s Ambulance, was based on the theme of bonfire night and included safety tips and first-aid information associated with firework-related injuries as well as more general life-saving skills.
On Thursday, we were treated to a workshop led by students from the Purcell School for young musicians. Pupils were able to see and hear a selection of orchestral instruments being played, including a harp – which was very exciting! It was great to be able to welcome back the very talented musicians from Purcell and they certainly entertained and inspired your children.
Please be reminded that next Tuesday we are holding another parent workshop, this time with the theme of maths in the Early Years and Key Stage One. Parents who attend are asked to make their way straight to the mobile classrooms after the drop-off, where tea and coffee is available, rather than wait in the school lobby. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible.
Enjoy the fireworks and stay safe this weekend.