
Parent Council

Yes we are still here and continue working with the school to exchange parents’ views about school life but we would love to welcome new members to join in our half-termly meetings and projects.
So what do we do?
Our main function is to act as an intermediary between parents and the school, anything from being a sounding board to canvassing opinion in either direction with a constant underlying principle of promoting and helping better the school and therefore the education of our children.
What have we been involved in our first two years?
Promoting and analysing Parent View (btw please go to Parent View – and give your feedback for this year if you haven’t already).
Solutions for the parking and busy roads around the gates (still ongoing, ideas welcome).
School uniform options including securing the free delivery code (BGPFD35).
Wellbeing education in school.
Breakfast club promotion – watch this space for a survey coming soon
Who are we?
Having been established by Lee David (children in years 4 and 2) & Claire Nikitas (years 5 & 2) two years ago, they have now handed over the chair and secretary positions to Mark Castle (year 4) and Sarah Klinger (years 4 & 2) but other members include Susan Nickolds, Julia Brent, Justyna Stuart, Rob Webb, Helen Russell, Fiona Taylor, Sam Gentleman, Lisa Smith and others. So want to get involved? Want to know more? Have something to say about school – can be anything and kept confidential if you prefer? Then please email us at
We look forward to hearing from you or just come along to our next meeting. Remember the more feedback you give to the school, the more improvements can be made that benefit your children!