
Headteacher’s Blog

It was a longer than usual celebration assembly this Friday, with so many pupils to congratulate and celebrate. Sporting superstars, outstanding learners, safe cyclists, incredible role-models and talented mathematicians were all celebrated this morning, for their super achievements and efforts. Mrs Street led the assembly song, accompanied by pupils from across the school, signing the lyrics to the audience. We are a talented school community, with pupils to be very proud of and Friday mornings are always a great reminder of this.

Thursday was World Book Day. There is always a good reason to read a book and an even better one to share a story with someone else and pupils at Bowmansgreen managed to do both of those things in abundance on Thursday. Pupils took part in a range of book related activities, to support this year’s theme of ‘Reading is Power,’ including  poetry reading and helping to write a school story. A paired story time took place in the afternoon, involving all pupils across the school. Reception enjoyed hosting Year 6 in their classroom and settled down to hear a story or two with their older friends. Thank you to Miss Ottley for organising our World Book Day activities.


Hertfordshire County Council is keeping schools up to date with information and advice regarding coronavirus. The national guidance remains that schools do not close. We appreciate that some families will naturally be worried about local coronavirus cases within Hertfordshire. The local authority have stressed that current evidence indicates that most cases appear to be mild, with patients experiencing flu-like symptoms and that the new cases of coronavirus are nothing unexpected. The latest updates for Headteachers are around what schools should do if  a member of the school community should test positive for Covid-19 or comes into close contact with somebody who has. The local authority is discussing and planning strategies around possible and likely scenarios for schools and we will update the school community accordingly, if or when necessary.  In the meantime, it is school business as usual! We will continue to be proactive about hygiene routines and school cleanliness and ensure that school is well resourced and equipped to fulfill the ‘Catch it, Bin it. Kill it’ guidance.

Next week, Bowmansgreen will be supporting British Science Week, through a range of curriculum activities. You can look forward to finding out more about your child’s learning during science week, at our next curriculum evening on Thursday 2nd April.

Please be reminded that parent consultation evenings take place on March 24th and 26th. See your child’s class teacher if you have not yet made an appointment.

Enjoy your weekend.

Word of the Week


Infinite6A, 6C and 6G
Persuade4H and 4GP
Suggest3RW and 3C
Vertices2C and 2H
Courage1O and 1CW
FossilsREK and RNM

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
1CW: Aayan and 4H: Emily

Reader of the week
2C: Zoha and 5S: Filip

Mathematician of the week
EYFS: Emilio and 6C: Lucy


Star of Kindness

4H: Izzy chosen by Mr Wilson


Ms Scoot for Effort

2C: Hector chosen by Mrs Pattenden


Best Attendance
KS1: EYFS-NM and KS2: 5W

Headteacher’s Blog

You may have noticed something different about the front of the school since returning after half-term but couldn’t quite put your finger on it….
Unfortunately, the large Lombardy Poplar tree, that had stood for many years by the school entrance, had to be felled during half term. It never recovered from being hit by lightning a couple of years ago and, unfortunately, had to come down.

As you will be aware, there has been a lot of information in the news about a strain of coronavirus called COVID-19. This includes information relating to schools, including those returning from trips to Italy over half term. Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) have reassured all schools that none of the trips run by Hertfordshire schools were within the ten towns which the Italian authorities have put on quarantine measures and Hertfordshire residents remain at low risk. HCC have advised that taking basic hygiene precautions remains the best way to reduce the chances of spreading any virus, a message that we have reinforced to all pupils. The Department for Education has communicated guidance for educational settings in conjunction with information and advice from Public Health England which we are following and will closely monitor as it is updated.

We have again managed to accumulate hundreds of items of lost property during last half term, including coats, shoes, bags and football boots. None of the items are named so cannot be returned to their owners. Please could we remind parents and carers to name all items of children’s uniform. Weather permitting, we will have a used uniform sale alongside our monthly book swap, on Friday 13th March. Please come along to top up your child’s uniform.

National headlines frequently refer to statistics that support a worrying trend of poor mental health amongst school-aged children. This is alongside rising reports of self-harm and anxiety. These are not just increasingly common trends, they are real issues for some of our families. As a school, we will continue to teach and support our pupils to look after their physical and mental health and look at ways of building their resilience and self-esteem. We are continuing to develop and improve our therapeutic provision so that we can provide early intervention for our families, which in this climate of funding and service cuts, is not easy to achieve. If you would like more information or you are worried about the mental health or emotional well-being of a child or young person, the NSPCC and Young Minds websites are good places to start. If you are concerned about your own child and would like some support or information from school, please see your child’s class teacher or contact me via the school office.

Please can we remind families that children are not allowed on the playground equipment at the end of the school day. Pupils are aware of this expectation and we would appreciate your support in ensuring that it is reinforced.

If you would like brass instrument lessons for your child, please express your interest to Mr Bronstein who will be offering lessons to Bowmansgreen pupils in the summer term.
Please contact Mr. Bronstein directly via mob: 07961 760388 or email:

I would like to thank the staff team from Santander who helped spruce up Bowmansgreen during half-term. All hands were on deck for their community painting day which resulted in a fresh lick of paint for our dining hall, gym and some class areas. The redecoration was much appreciated and has helped freshen up the school ready for spring. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Robertson for organising this event.

Word of the Week


Despondent6A, 6C and 6G
Absurd4H and 4GP
Attract3RW and 3C
Accuse2C and 2H
Treasure1O and 1CW
PrehistoricREK and RNM

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
Rec: Ella and 3C : Summer

Reader of the week
1O: Eva and 3RW: George

Mathematician of the week
2H: Jamie and 6G: Erin

Best Attendance
KS1: 2H and KS2: 4H


Statement for parents and carers

As you will be aware, there has been a lot of information in the news about returning trips to Italy over half term in light of the recent measures put in place by the Italian Authorities on Coronavirus.  

We would like to assure you that there is no cause for concern, none of the school trips run by Hertfordshire schools were within the ten towns which the Italian Authorities have put on quarantine measures and Hertfordshire residents remain at low risk.

If you have returned from the quarantines towns and develop flu like symptoms, please stay at home, avoid contact with other people and call NHS111.


Taking basic hygiene precautions remains the best way to reduce the chances of spreading any virus: sneeze or cough into a tissue, bin it, wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands.  Using a normal detergent to clean the surfaces people touch regularly like door handles and lift buttons is also sensible.


Please visit for the most up to date advice.

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
2H: Indy and 5S: Elaha
Reader of the week
EYFS: Ryan and 6G: Nathandria
Mathematician of the week
1CW: Reef and 3RW: Raudah
Best Attendance
KS1: 2H and KS2: 4H

Headteacher’s Blog

This half term has been as busy as ever!

Our Story Cafes have continued to prove popular and a great way to involve families in our curriculum. Pupils in EYFS and Year 1 have loved the opportunity to share a lesson and reading experience with family members. Thank you so much for committing your time to these events –  we really appreciate your support and involvement.

Bowmansgreen has welcomed some new additions to the school community as Miss Wynne and Mrs Gritz have both had their babies. I know you will join me in congratulating them both on their very happy news. Mothers and babies are all doing well and we look forward to seeing them all very soon.

FOBS have been busy this half-term, organising a doughnut sale and school disco. These events are always popular and really enjoyed by pupils. They also help to raise money for school that directly benefits our school community. Please see the school calendar on our website for upcoming FOBS events throughout the year.

The school choir had a great time at the O2 last Tuesday, when they took part in Young Voices. Staff have fed-back how fantastic pupils were, not just in terms of their singing but also their participation and behaviour. It was a very long day, with the coach leaving at lunchtime and not returning until nearly 11pm but it was great fun and enjoyed by all. Thank you to Mrs Street, Mrs Clark and Miss Golding for organising and accompanying the trip. It was lovely to see the choir perform a medley, from the concert, in last week’s celebration assembly. Well done choir – you were amazing!

Please could I remind parents not to block the driveways of local residents on the school drop-off or pick-up. We rely on a lot of patience and goodwill from our neighbours during the busiest times of the school day and would hope that drivers are mindful of the frustration and inconvenience that the traffic and parking can cause.

We are packing a lot into the final two days of the half term! Our curriculum evening takes place today, in the school hall between 3-4pm and 6-7pm. Come along and see what pupils across the school have been learning in English.  Tomorrow afternoon, in the mobile classroom, our monthly book swap takes place. Bring in any books that your children no longer read and swap them for some new titles to keep them busy over half term. Book donations are always much appreciated!

Also taking place tomorrow, we have a special afternoon assembly which will be led by Max Bronstein, who is a trumpet player. He may have an exciting opportunity for the pupils of Bowmsngreen….

Last Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
1O: Skyler and 6G: Sadie
Reader of the week
2H: Mia and 3C: Amin
Mathematician of the week
EYFS: Yusra and 5S: Tasnia
Best Attendance
KS1: 1CW and KS2: 4GP