

What a great half term we have had!
All of the children have settled in so well and have made a positive start. It has been really great to hear so much positive feedback from the children and parents during our parent consultation meetings – thank you.
We have now covered all of the Phase 2 sounds. Please keep practising all of the accompanying actions, to keep them fresh in the children’s minds.
Next half term our topic, in the lead up to Christmas, is called “Let’s Celebrate!”
Thank you for all your support – it really is much appreciated.
Have a restful half term!

Word of the Week


Segregation6A, 6C and 6G
Injustice5S and 5W
Guard4H and 4G
Material3RW and 3C
Opinion2C and 2H
Rhyme1O and 1CW
TimelineREK and RNM

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
Rec NM: Rosa and 6C: Charlie K

Reader of the week
2H: Zayd and 3RW: Connor

Mathematician of the week
1CW: Adam and 5S: Lennon

Best Class Attendance
Rec/KS1: 2H and KS2: 4H


Super busy in EYFS!

Last week, we said goodbye to Mrs Doyle who has now left Bowmansgreen. Mrs Enus, who your children already know, is currently working with the EYFS team in the mornings.
This week, we have been working really hard on our phonics, learning and recapping the sounds.
We’ve also been learning how to blend, using our ‘robot arms.’ Ask your child to tell you about Metal Mike and how he can help us to blend sounds!
Finishing our timelines has also kept us very busy.
We have had fun learning how to blend colours to make our own skin tones. We have been reading the ‘Colours of Us,’ helping us to celebrate Black History Month.

Make sure you come and see our work at Curriculum Evening this Thursday!

Headteacher’s Blog

FOBS have already been busy this term, raising money for our school, by holding a school disco and a doughnut sale. There are plenty more events planned throughout the year for you to enjoy and get involved in.  The money that is raised directly benefits your children. Every class has already received resources funded by FOBS this year, including dictionaries, thesauruses, maths equipment and reading books. We are very lucky that we have such an active FOBS committee and supportive school community and we appreciate how much pupils benefit from the additional funds that are raised. Thank you.

On Tuesday, Bowmansgreen said goodbye to Mrs Doyle who will be starting a new job at another local school. I am sure you will join me in thanking her for all of her hard work and wishing her luck in her new job.

This term, we have welcomed Miss Bliss to the Bowmansgreen school community. She will be working with pupils across the school as part of our PE team.

This afternoon, our Y6 returned from their residential at PGL. They had lots of fun taking part in a range of activities, including raft building and a ride on a zip wire! They had a great time and did themselves proud with their enthusiasm and behaviour. I think they all might sleep very well this weekend! Thank you to Miss Allen, Miss Chilton, Miss Rawlings, Mr Gowler and Mr Sanders for making the trip such a great experience for the pupils.

Next Thursday, 17th October, our first Curriculum Evening of the year takes place. Come along and see some of the work that your children have been busy working on this half term. Pupils love sharing their work with you and are always proud of their efforts and achievements. It is always a popular school event and I would encourage you to come along, say hello to the teachers and see how busy your children have been.

Keeping our children safe on-line is an ongoing battle and responsibility that home and school share. At Bowmansgreen, we are constantly reminding pupils and setting clear expectations of their on-line behaviours. All pupils will again attend on-line safety workshops next half-term, to reinforce key messages and raise awareness of some of the dangers that they and their peers face in the on-line world. Last year, we also held a parent workshop that was, unfortunately, very poorly attended. We had decided to hold this workshop, as many parents were contacting school about issues that their children were facing on-line, either through gaming, messaging apps, or on social media. We are holding another parent workshop, led by an external company, to inform and empower parents to support their children in keeping safe on-line. Parents who attended last year’s workshop found it to be a bit of an eye-opener in terms of the apps that their children were using and I would encourage any parent, whose child uses a mobile device and accesses the internet or apps, to attend. The parent workshop takes place on November 7th, 6-7pm.

On Saturday October 19th, we are holding our open morning from 9 – 11.30am. This event is not just for new and prospective parents – all are welcome.

Enjoy your weekend.

Word of the Week

Announced5S and 5W
Through4H and 4G
Complete3RW and 3C
Opinion2C and 2H
Aerial1O and 1CW
FamilyREK and RNM

Word of the week

Seldom6A & 6C
Swarm5S and 5W
Often4H and 4G
Reign3RW and 3C
Scurried2C and 2H
Value1O and 1CW
BehaviourREK and RNM


Last week was a great week in Reception!

Children have been working hard on their Phase 2 phonics, learning the “m, d and g” letters and sounds as well as consolidating their SATPIN sounds. Can you find any of these sounds around your home?

The children loved sharing their home learning with their classmates and talking about what they did at home with you. Please remember that home learning is handed in on Tuesday. Reading books and library books are changed every Thursday.
A big ‘thank you’ to all parents choosing lunches with their children at home.
This week, will again share our weekend news and continue to make a time line from when the children were born to now. Can you please talk with your children about any significant events that have happened in their lifetimes i.e. little brother or sister being born, learning to ride a bike etc?
In phonics we will be learning the sounds “o, c and k”. In Maths we will be practising number recognition and our careful counting.
It promises to be another super week in EYFS!

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week
2H: Arthur and 5S: Heidi
Reader of the week
1CW: Isla and 4GP: Charlie
Mathematician of the week
Rec: Anaya and 6C: Muneer

Star of Kindness chosen by Miss Robbins
Libby 2H

Ms Scoot Award for Effort chosen by Miss Hancock
Isabelle 6A

Best Class Attendance
Rec/KS1: 2H
KS2: 4H