Last week was a great week in Reception!
Children have been working hard on their Phase 2 phonics, learning the “m, d and g” letters and sounds as well as consolidating their SATPIN sounds. Can you find any of these sounds around your home?
The children loved sharing their home learning with their classmates and talking about what they did at home with you. Please remember that home learning is handed in on Tuesday. Reading books and library books are changed every Thursday.
A big ‘thank you’ to all parents choosing lunches with their children at home.
This week, will again share our weekend news and continue to make a time line from when the children were born to now. Can you please talk with your children about any significant events that have happened in their lifetimes i.e. little brother or sister being born, learning to ride a bike etc?
In phonics we will be learning the sounds “o, c and k”. In Maths we will be practising number recognition and our careful counting.
It promises to be another super week in EYFS!