
Breakfast Club News from Mrs Stanley – 16.03.18

Looking forward to Easter, we have started our Easter Egg competition with every child who attends Breakfast Club can enter! Our Spanish Breakfast this morning was popular with Spanish dancing afterwards. With the chicks due to hatch next week we will be very busy feeding everyone.
Remember we open at 7.30am and the last breakfast is served at 8.10am. We welcome all children. Any questions please speak to Mrs Stanley.

KS2 School Lunches

HCL are increasing the cost of a school lunch.
From 1st April a school lunch will increase to £2.45 each day.


On Tuesday, class 6G went on a school trip to Willows Activities Farm and learnt all about lambing! Did you know, lambs that can’t be fed by their mothers have to be bottle fed up to 7 times a day?
A female sheep is called a ewe and a male sheep is called a ram. If a lamb is a male, it will be called a ram lamb, and if it is a female lamb, then it will be called a ewe lamb. A cade is a baby lamb that is either an orphan or a triplet.  If a ewe only gives birth to a single, and another gives birth to triplets, the workers will  try to get the single’s mother to accept one of the triplets by rubbing it against the ewe after its birth; this way, it results in the lamb smelling like the parent (which is how they recognise their children).  If a lamb tries to suck from a ewe’s udder, but the ewe is not its mother, then the lamb will start to call for its parents.
Once a lamb is born, the workers will hang it upside down, so that all the fluid inside of it will come out.  It is also important that the lamb comes out head first, otherwise it might get stuck if coming out backwards and will try to catch air but will sadly suffocate. So if it does come out backwards, the workers have to pull it out as fast as possible.  Once a lamb is born, the workers will put a rubber band around its tail so that it will eventually fall off. They do this because in the summer time, when they play on the grass, faeces can get on the end of their tales which could potentially attract flies and disease.  So, they put rubber bands around the end of the tail , so after a few weeks, it will fall off.
When ewes are pregnant, they get different types of markings in different types of colours on their backs; depending on how many lambs they are having.  An orange spot on their behind signals that they are having triplets.  If the ewe is having twins, then there will be an orange spot on the shoulders.  Finally, if a ewe is having one single lamb, then they will have a blue spot on their backs.  They are labelled 1 to 100.  Lambs are labelled the same number as their mothers.
Did you know a ewe is pregnant for five months?
The pregnancy process
During the process of the ewe’s pregnancy, it will go through some strange side-effects.  One of the tell-tale signs of pregnancy is that it will start to make space in the hay with their hooves to make a nest-like space for them to quietly sit down away from all the other ewes and lambs.
We hope you have now learnt a lot about how lambs are born!
By Isabella and Megan  in 6G.

Parent Workshops

This term’s parent workshops take place on the dates shown below.  All parents are welcome and are encouraged to come along if you can.
Tuesday 27th March – Esafety

Early Years News from Miss Robbins – 16.03.18

This week
We have been finding out lots of things about Spain. We have learnt some Spanish words and have been trying to use them throughout the day. We listened to some Spanish music and Mrs Flatt taught us a Spanish song. We watched a flamenco dancer and made some paper fans. We learnt all about the Spanish architect ‘Gaudi’ and looked at some of his work around the city of Barcelona. We had a go at making mosaic lizards like the one he made for the park in the city and we even designed and use the big building bricks to make a famous Spanish church. We cooked and tasted Spanish food… omelettes and the yummy churros! It was lovely to see you last night at our curriculum evening and hope you enjoyed looking at our wonderful work.
Next week
Next week we will be starting our work to do with Easter. We will be finding out and about how Christians celebrate Easter. We will be making our own books about things that we are interested in and reading them to the adults and our friends in the class. In maths we will be learning about problem solving.
For one of the activities we are doing next week we would be grateful if you could send your child in with a hardboiled egg (or 2!). Thank you.
After Easter we will be holding a Reception reading and writing workshop with practical ideas to help you help your child with these subjects at home. I will be sending out a letter about this shortly. For one of the activities we require empty ‘Pringles’ tubes (large). If you have any we would be grateful if you could send them in.

Careers Week

The children have had an enjoyable week learning about all the different careers that are available to them. We have had visitors from finance, insurance, medicine, TV production, a chef, police and fire services, sales, sports, travel, IT, a mechanic, an ex footballer and even a shepherd!
We hope the children came home talking about their visitors. We had great feedback from all the visitors who said the children had listened well and had asked them some great questions. Thank you very much to all the parents/carers who gave their time to make the week so amazing!
The week finished today with the children dressing up as their future selves in their desired careers.

World Book Day

Last Thursday was World Book Day. The children enjoyed an assembly from Paul Stickland and then he took workshops with KS1.
We had some great costumes on Thursday as the children dressed up as characters from their favourite books.
World Book Day 1
World Book Day 2
World Book Day 3
World Book Day 4
World Book Day 5
World Book Day 6
World Book Day 7
World Book Day 8

Breakfast Club News from Mrs Stanley

With lighter and brighter mornings this week we welcome lots of children to Breakfast Club. The highlight being today’s breakfast of sausage and cheese muffins, which was enjoyed by children dressed as their future careers.
Monday, sees the start of the Easter competition to win a giant Easter egg.  Children need to remember to put their name in the draw each time they visit Breakfast Club.

Headteacher’s Message – 09.03.18

Careers week has been amazing! Thank you to all of the parents who have helped to make this week so special. Pupils have learnt about a range of careers and professions and have been inspired by the visitors who have led workshops and discussions. Today, pupils came to school dressed as, amongst other things, an MP, paramedics, surgeons, financial advisers and vets. It has been a fantastic end to a great week which has motivated and enthused our pupils. Thank you to Mrs Clark in the school office for organising this fantastic event.
To support British Science Week, all pupils will be taking part in a House event on Friday which will involve making model reptiles.
Next Thursday we will be welcoming you all to our Spanish Fiesta! Our curriculum evening will have a Spanish theme and will provide an opportunity for you to see, hear and taste what your children have been busy learning in their Spanish lessons. Please come along for some tapas!
On Tuesday, there will be an assembly and parent workshop with the theme of ‘inspiring girls.’ They will be led by two female pilots who have achieved success in male-dominated professions and who will share their stories and hopefully inspire your daughters (and sons!) to have high aspirations and follow their dreams. Parents are invited to both the assembly (8.50am) and workshop (9.15am). Please meet in the main reception entrance at 8.45am if you wish to attend. Dads are also very welcome!
Year 6 is currently egg-sitting! Over the next couple of weeks we hope to welcome some new chicks to the Bowmansgreen school family. Photos to follow.
On Friday we will be holding our first book swap event. Please send your child into school on Friday with any books that they would like to swap. Older pupils will be supervised in the mobile classroom from 2.45pm where they can choose books to swap. The mobile will be available until 3.30pm for parents to accompany their children if they want to support them choosing books.
I am very happy to announce that Mrs Murphy O’Connor gave birth to baby Jude on Wednesday. Mother and baby are both doing well and I know that you will join me in sending our congratulations and best wishes to the family.
Enjoy a lovely weekend.