
This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Ema

KS2 – Eva

Reader of the week

KS1 – Ezra

KS2 – Eloise

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Theo

KS2 – Imogen

Musician of the week


Word of the Week

Week beginning 20.11.2023



Headteacher’s Blog

This week was national Anti-Bullying Week. At Bowmansgreen, pupils and staff wore odd socks to support the message that we are all unique and should be allowed to be ourselves,  free from bullying. Monday’s assembly launched this year’s campaign : Make a Noise About Bullying and throughout the week, pupils took part in a range of activities, highlighting and discussing how and why we all play a part in helping to ensure that bullying does not happen at Bowmansgreen and if we think that someone is being bullied what we should do about it, to make it stop.

On Wednesday, the school hall went back in time, around 5000 years, to become part of the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Year 3 spent the day as Egyptians, learning about life in the ancient Kingdom and very much looking the part, in their Egyptian costumes. They had great fun taking part in a range of activities including embalming, lamp making and a banquet which also supported their learning in History. Thank you to the staff, parents and carers who supported Year 3 during this workshop, ensuring that it was a great success.

Hopefully, you have all received the information needed for you to vote in the Parent Governor Election. If you have any questions or difficulties casting your vote, please contact the school office. Voting will close on 28th November, 2023.

Please take a read of the recently published CQC/ Ofsted Area SEND Inspection for Hertfordshire

Thank you to our House Captains and Mr Garwood for laying a wreath at the London Colney War Memorial, on behalf of our school community. Each class also made a wreath to mark this year’s Remembrance Day.


Please be courteous and mindful of our neighbours and pedestrians when parking during the school run. The wet weather has caused more families to travel by car during the last couple of weeks and several incidents of dangerous parking, including blocked driveways and footpaths. Please ensure that parking restrictions are adhered to and the safety of our school community is prioritised.

Our whole school attendance is currently 95%. It has dipped slightly in the last couple of weeks and it would be great if we could tip it back up to 96% which is where it has been for most of this term so far. Please ensure that your child is at school, on time every day so that they benefit from all of the learning opportunities planned for them. The next few weeks are very busy at school, with lots of exciting curriculum activities as well as festive events; a special Shaking up Shakespeare theatre performance; and our next curriculum evening – lots to miss out on if pupils are not at school!

The Department of Health and Social Care has alerted schools to disruption to the national supply for medication prescribed to help manage ADHD symptoms. There are several reasons contributing to the supply disruption, including an increase in demand for the medication and a change in the companies who produce and supply the medication. If you or your child are affected by the supply shortage, your GP or specialist will have already contacted you with more information. The supply issue is improving but could continue until the end of December 2023 or early 2024. Please do let Mrs May (via the school office) know if your child is affected by this shortage so that we can do our best to support you and them until the situation improves.

Hertfordshire County Council is once again funding HAPpy activity camps for children and young people who attend Hertfordshire schools and are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals. HAPpy Winter Camps – booking opens Wednesday 22nd November, 2023.

Congratulations to our newly elected House Captains:








Henry P

They have made a super start in their new roles and I am sure that they will represent their houses brilliantly and with pride.

Enjoy your weekend

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Eden

KS2 – Poppy

Reader of the week

KS1 – Olivia

KS2 – Denny

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Gia

KS2 – Ella

Musician of the week


Word of the Week

Week beginning 13.11.2023



This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Joshua

KS2 – Abdul

Reader of the week

KS1 – Blake

KS2 – Hadley

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Felix

KS2 – Frances

Musician of the week


Word of the Week

Week beginning 06.11.2023




FOBS had their Annual General Meeting at the Caledon Community Centre on Wednesday evening – thank you to everyone who came along. After the Chairperson’s and Treasurer’s reports were presented and approved, the FOBS attendees voted to adopt the PTFA model constitution from Parentkind. A constitution is a governing document that sets out the fundamental principles, practices, and purposes of a charity. The main change is that online meetings are allowed under the new constitution. A FOBS election process will be written to support this constitution.

Whilst all Bowmansgreen School parents and carers are automatically members of FOBS, the AGM voted to elect four trustees to formally manage the FOBS charity. Angela Duce (Chair), Danielle Sutton (Treasurer) and Liz Alderston (Trustee) were re-elected, and Abi Housley (Trustee) was newly elected. Sabrina Miller was co-opted as Events Coordinator. Sian Riches (Secretary) stepped down as a trustee. To succession plan for 2024/2025, FOBS member Lindsey Lee volunteered to work with the trustees to learn the roles.

The FOBS team are planning events and activities to give the children wonderful school memories. The Trustees will work closely with Ms Lippa and the new Head, Mrs Fleming, to spend the funds raised by FOBS on improving the playgrounds and supporting the Bowmansgreen pupils and staff where required.

Next FOBS events:

Fri 10th Nov 3pm Christmas Jumper Sale – KS1 Playground

Thurs 23rd Nov Non-school uniform day – for a donation for the bottle/chocolate tombola

Sat 25th Nov 11am-2pmFOBS Winter Fair Follow us on Facebook – Friends of Bowmansgreen School

This Week’s Celebrations

Author of the week

KS1 – Sydney

KS2 – Nabeela

Reader of the week

KS1 – Jaxson

KS2 – Aria

Mathematician of the week

KS1 – Malaya

KS2 – Frank

Musician of the week


Star of Kindness

Awarded by Miss Robbins – Leo

Ms Scoot Award for Effort

Awarded by Mr Bronstein – Thomas

Word of the Week

Week beginning 30.10.2023
