
Headteacher’s Blog

On Tuesday, Anthony Glenn visited Bowmansgreen to deliver a ‘Shaking up Shakespeare’ performance of Macbeth. Pupils and staff were thoroughly entertained by his show which included some cameo roles from pupils across the school. It was a fantastic, interactive experience which inspired and delighted the whole school – something pupils will remember for years to come. I have not heard our reception pupils giggle so much!

On Monday, pupils in KS2 will be taking part in a sponsored Daily Mile. Parents are welcome to join their children for this activity – see the sponsor form for timings and details. The following Monday (June 24th), it is the turn of KS1.

I am sad to announce that Lisa Cutmore will not be returning to Bowmansgreen after her time off this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all of her hard work and commitment to the pupils and families of Bowmansgreen and wish her well for the future.

Yesterday, Jennie from Jousters Childcare joined parents at breakfast club, to say hello and answer any questions about the new after school club starting at Bowmansgreen in September. We hope that parents found the opportunity useful and had your questions answered and any concerns allayed. We are looking forward to working with Jousters and are excited at the prospect of our new provision.

Members of the FOBS committee have been busy all year, preparing for today’s Bowmansgreen Summer Fair. The final touches are currently taking place and with dry weather and sun forecast for most of the day (fingers crossed!), it promises to be a great family event and day out.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Headteacher’s Blog

This is the first Friday without an ‘official’ weekly newsletter. From now on, we hope to be able to relay school information, events and news more effectively, through blogs, posts and links to the school website so that communication can be spread throughout the week, as school life happens. Please encourage friends and family to download the school app so that they can also keep up to date with news about the Bowmansgreen school community.

It was lovely to see so many pupils taking home new titles at this month’s book swap which took place this afternoon. I really enjoy this event as it is heartening to see so many excited faces taking home books to share, read and enjoy. Inspiring and motivating pupils to read for pleasure is a responsibility we share with parents, to support pupils develop their language and communication skills as well as a wide range of other life skills such as forming opinions and developing their imaginations.  If you have any books that your child has outgrown or no longer reads, please send them in so that we can add them to our book swap library. Next book swap event: Thursday July 4th.

We are noticing an increasing number of pupils arriving to school not wearing the correct school uniform. We appreciate that we are in the final half-term of the year and parents are reluctant to buy new uniform but we must insist that standards are maintained. Please ensure that your child has full school uniform every day, including footwear. Trainers are only acceptable if they are all black – bright logos and lettering are not permitted. We will be reminding pupils of uniform expectations next week and contacting parents if we have ongoing concerns about their child’s uniform.

On Tuesday, Anthony Glenn will be visiting Bowmansgreen to deliver a ‘Shaking up Shakespeare’ performance of Macbeth. Pupils are in for a treat as the performance involves audience participation and lots of humour.

One week to go until the Bowmansgreen Summer Fair! On Thursday, pupils can wear non-uniform in exchange for items donated for the tombola.

Enjoy your weekend.

Home Learning Grids

This half term’s Home Learning grids are available for you to view on our website, under the ‘pupils’ tab.

Hannah’s fundraising fans!

Remember hearing about how Hannah was able to fund four beds for the homeless by making and selling fans? Here she is with two of her fans. What a fundraising superstar you are, Hannah!