
Headteacher’s Blog

Welcome back after the half -term break!

Last half-term saw pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 sit their SATS – the compulsory end of Key Stage national curriculum assessments. Pupils worked hard in preparation and during each test period  and we are extremely proud of how well they managed. Although we do our best to gently prepare pupils for the test content and conditions, we appreciate that it can sometimes feel very daunting and different to normal school life and learning, especially for pupils in Year 6. You may have seen the press coverage about the Year 6 reading paper and the significant concerns expressed by teachers across the country about its level of difficulty and notable difference to previous papers. It is fair to say that it was extremely challenging! Our wonderful pupils gave it everything and handled this and the other papers brilliantly – they really did themselves proud.

After nearly thirteen years at Bowmansgreen, Rebecca Robertson has left her role as the school’s Business Manager. As a member of the school’s leadership team, Mrs Robertson has worked closely with many members of staff, parents and carers, governors and outside agencies, advising on and managing the school’s admin and finances. It has been a pleasure to work alongside her and I would like to thank her for the hard work and commitment she has shown our school community over the years. I am sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Robertson the best of luck and happiness for the future as she embarks upon a new role in a local academy trust.

A very warm welcome to Mrs McGrath who joined our office team, this week. She will be working closely with Mrs Clark and Miss Mates, liaising with families across the school. If you have not already met or spoken with her, please do pop in and say ‘hello.’

Next week, we will begin an audit of Blue Badges to help us understand their prevalence across our school community and to inform decisions about the use of the staff car park by families and visitors. As previously mentioned, we can no longer safely meet the demand for the two disabled parking bays in our staff car park. Parents and carers can therefore no longer drive into the car park unless in exceptional circumstances. Due to the number of families wanting to use the staff car park, it seems that having a Blue Badge is no longer exceptional and the situation is unsafe and unsustainable. If you hold a Blue Badge, we will be asking you to complete a short questionnaire so that we can hopefully find a safe and fair way forward.

Are you registered with the Hertfordshire Family Centre Service? The Hertfordshire Family Centre Service provides services to children and young people and includes Family
Support Services, Health Visiting and School Nursing. A short survey has been developed to understand your experiences of the current service and the support families with young children in Hertfordshire require. Family Centre Service parent feeedback questionnaire.

Last night was disco night! Thank you to FOBS for organising another successful disco event for Bowmansgreen pupils. Both discos were great fun and very well attended. It was lovely to see pupils having such a good time together. Thank you also to the parents, carers and staff who helped out on the night – it couldn’t happen without you!

Stay safe in the sun! Enjoy your weekend.

Headteacher’s Blog

It was lovely to meet with school councillors again this week, to discuss a range of issues and projects. Lydia, Adam and Aidan shared feedback and discussed their ideas for promoting healthy, breaktime snacks. Next term, the school council is meeting with Herts Catering Limited (HCL) to discuss reducing dining hall waste and meal choices.

First Steps ED are offering four week ‘Skills for Carers’ workshops, which are full of practical tips, scenarios and case studies to help support a loved one with an eating disorder. Sessions are delivered online (via Zoom) over four weeks. The courses are free of charge. Visit the First Steps ED website or contact for more information.

Spaces for the Easter HAPpy camps are going fast! Families who are eligible and are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals should already have their booking code. Any previous codes will not be recognised on the booking system so a new one for Easter is required. The popular HAPpy programme is funded by Hertfordshire County Council via the government’s Holiday Activity and Food programme and coordinated by Herts Sports Partnership and the Hertfordshire Community Foundation. It is running more than 200 activity camps from 3rd  April – 14th April 2023 (not bank holidays). The activity camps give eligible children and young people a chance to have fun, meet friends, learn new skills and enjoy nutritious food.
Visit for more information.

The Sandbox is a new online, mental health digital advice and guidance service for 10-25 year olds. The Sandbox is an NHS funded service to support children and young people in Hertfordshire with their mental health and wellbeing. This new free service launches on 1st April 2023 and offers a website with access to games, worksheets, group chats and online events for children, young people, their parents/carers, teachers and other professionals. The Sandbox provides access to internet enabled Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT), or one-to-one support from professional therapists by text, phone, online chat or video call, based on a triage of the child or young person’s needs. Signing up is easy and does not require a referral from a professional.

Hertfordshire Mind Network’s With YOUth Digital Wellbeing Service for 5-18s is another helpful resource to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.

There is lots to look forward to after the holiday, with new topics and exciting books to explore; year group trips for some; book swaps; a circus (April 22nd); a Coronation picnic (Friday 5th May, 2pm); and maybe a few SATS tests thrown in for Y2 and Y6 for good measure!

I hope that you enjoy the Easter break…. and don’t get too wet in the April showers!

Please be reminded that pupils return to school on Monday 17th April – there is no INSET day.


FOBS would like to thank all the volunteers, helpers, staff, stallholders, performers and most importantly the children and their families for making Saturday’s FOBS Winter Fair a roaring success.

We hope you had as much fun as we did.

The fundraising total will be announced at the FOBS AGM this Wed 30th Nov. 6.45pm held in the school dining room.  Please come along and hear about what the FOBS team are planning next.


Welcome back Reception!
Autumn has most definitely arrived, the children have already noticed the frosty mornings and the masses of autumnal leaves in our school. It has been lots of fun collecting them with our wheelbarrow, piling them up and running through them.
Our first week back was a busy one, full of lots of colour and celebrations. We began our week learning all about Diwali, reading the story and learning about how it is celebrated. The children have been mesmerised by videos of how to make Rangoli patterns and have spent a long time drawing them and creating their own using coloured sand, rice and beans. They have looked carefully at the details, colours and patterns and have created some wonderful designs. The children also created their own Diva lamps using clay which they will be bringing home. Fireworks have also been a feature of our lessons and we have had so much fun creating pictures using chalk, marbles, glitter and sand.
If you are taking part in celebrations over the coming weeks, please be sure to add photos and videos onto Tapestry. We would love to share them with your children and give them the opportunity to show their friends in class.
The EYFS Team

Headteacher’s Blog

A new ‘Noma Creates’ programme starts via Zoom on Monday 26th July 2021. The Young People’s Healthy Hub has a new FREE course available for young people (aged 11-16) and their families over the summer holidays. The course is hosted by former BBC MasterChef Quarter Finalist, 2016, Noma Creates (Nomalanga Nyamayaro). Through this course, young people and families will learn how to prepare healthy meals, while mastering key life skills. The course will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays during the summer holidays, with the first session on Monday 26th July, 11am – 1pm. Sign up for this event via Eventbrite.

School Nursing Team presentation – take a look at how the school nursing team could support your child.

The Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service provides lessons and resources on their StayWise website that promote safety to children and their families, especially useful during the summer holidays.

New and prospective reception families: are your children school ready? The Early Years service, in partnership with Early Years providers, schools and Herts for Learning have developed a school readiness guide to support families and children.

What a year it has been! We end the school year with some uncertainty about what happens next; lots of unfinished business;  many questions about what school will look and feel like in September; and a very strong sense of ‘what just happened?’ It really has been an extraordinary year and a half.

The pandemic has affected all of us to varying degrees and in different ways and the legacy of COVID-19 is likely to affect our children’s generation for years to come. It had an immediate effect upon school life and it is likely to have a sustained impact upon our curriculum and the operational organisation of school. Some families within our school community have thrived under the restrictions, with families enjoying living, learning and supporting each other differently. For some families, however, we know that the last eighteen months have been incredibly difficult, with Lockdown negatively impacting upon housing, employment, relationships and finances.

The school’s capacity to deal with anything other than very urgent business has been greatly reduced this year, in part due to the increased level of support that many pupils and families have required as a result of the pandemic. There has been lots of coverage in the media about helping pupils to ‘catch-up’ academically yet many schools, including our own, are also having to support pupils with their emotional and wellbeing needs which have been significantly affected by the pandemic.  Our curriculum next term, will continue to reflect and respond to these needs.

There have been some huge positives and successes to take from this year and we therefore also end the year with a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. We made it! Our school community has pulled together even stronger during the last eighteen months and supported each other through the awfulness and uncertainty. This school community is amazing! Families have gone out of their way to send their support and positivity to the school, as well as each other, and I have been humbled and immensely proud many times this year by the supportive comments, acts of kindness and the resilience, resolve and happiness of our pupils. Thank you.

We don’t always get decisions right and we cannot please everyone but we will always try out hardest for your children. We care deeply about their wellbeing, the quality of their education and future prospects and we will continue to work in partnership with you, to ensure that they achieve their potential.

Thank you to my wonderful staff team. I am not quite sure how they have held me, their pupils and themselves together this year – it has been a journey! The staff at Bowmansgreen have done an incredible job at providing your children (and me!) with the support, nurturing and certainty that they have needed to help them cope this year. Thank you everyone – I couldn’t have done this year without you all; your trust, patience and understanding… even when through gritted teeth and deep breaths!

Have a lovely summer!

Headteacher’s Blog

Thank you for bearing with us over the last few days and putting up with frequent late night emails and texts. I will try and make this the last one for a while!

There have been lots of calls and emails asking about remote learning and school lunches. We will endeavour to respond to all individual requests that are not addressed below.

Bowmansgreen’s remote learning is published weekly on the school website, although additional resources may be added throughout the week to supplement some units of work or activities. It currently includes lesson and unit plans and weekly videos delivered by class teachers. Pupils also have individual log-ins for Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots (please let the office know if your child has forgotten their log-in) and workbooks to support reading comprehension and spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) for KS2. Half-termly Home Learning grids are also published on the school website – new grids will be available this week.

Hard copies of some remote learning resources are available – please contact the school office for more information.  We are currently reviewing our remote learning provision, in light of the new national Lockdown and we will update parents with any changes.

We are awaiting updated information and guidance from the Department of Education about the provision of free school meals for eligible children who are learning remotely. Hertfordshire Catering Ltd will provide food parcels for eligible families in the interim, and hot meals for pupils attending school.

If you are a critical key worker, please let us know if you are intending to send your child into school. It is essential that we have this information before your child returns, to help us effectively prepare and organise resources.

Please be reminded that all parents, carers and visitors are asked to wear a face covering whilst on site. We appreciate your support in helping to protect our school community.

We really appreciate the very kind messages that families have been sending in, expressing their support and appreciation during this very difficult and unsettling time. Thank you.


Headteacher’s Blog

Having met with all staff this morning to discuss how we can safely re-open school tomorrow, I can confirm that some year groups will open in a limited capacity for face-to-face teaching.

You will shortly receive an email to confirm how this affects your child and what support is available.

This week’s celebrations

Author of the week KS2: Willow

Author of the week KS1: Isaak

Reader of the week KS2: Amelia

Reader of the week KS1: Olivia

Mathematician of the week KS2: Rayaan

Mathematician of the week KS1: Jessica