
Headteacher’s Blog

A new ‘Noma Creates’ programme starts via Zoom on Monday 26th July 2021. The Young People’s Healthy Hub has a new FREE course available for young people (aged 11-16) and their families over the summer holidays. The course is hosted by former BBC MasterChef Quarter Finalist, 2016, Noma Creates (Nomalanga Nyamayaro). Through this course, young people and families will learn how to prepare healthy meals, while mastering key life skills. The course will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays during the summer holidays, with the first session on Monday 26th July, 11am – 1pm. Sign up for this event via Eventbrite.

School Nursing Team presentation – take a look at how the school nursing team could support your child.

The Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service provides lessons and resources on their StayWise website that promote safety to children and their families, especially useful during the summer holidays.

New and prospective reception families: are your children school ready? The Early Years service, in partnership with Early Years providers, schools and Herts for Learning have developed a school readiness guide to support families and children.

What a year it has been! We end the school year with some uncertainty about what happens next; lots of unfinished business;  many questions about what school will look and feel like in September; and a very strong sense of ‘what just happened?’ It really has been an extraordinary year and a half.

The pandemic has affected all of us to varying degrees and in different ways and the legacy of COVID-19 is likely to affect our children’s generation for years to come. It had an immediate effect upon school life and it is likely to have a sustained impact upon our curriculum and the operational organisation of school. Some families within our school community have thrived under the restrictions, with families enjoying living, learning and supporting each other differently. For some families, however, we know that the last eighteen months have been incredibly difficult, with Lockdown negatively impacting upon housing, employment, relationships and finances.

The school’s capacity to deal with anything other than very urgent business has been greatly reduced this year, in part due to the increased level of support that many pupils and families have required as a result of the pandemic. There has been lots of coverage in the media about helping pupils to ‘catch-up’ academically yet many schools, including our own, are also having to support pupils with their emotional and wellbeing needs which have been significantly affected by the pandemic.  Our curriculum next term, will continue to reflect and respond to these needs.

There have been some huge positives and successes to take from this year and we therefore also end the year with a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. We made it! Our school community has pulled together even stronger during the last eighteen months and supported each other through the awfulness and uncertainty. This school community is amazing! Families have gone out of their way to send their support and positivity to the school, as well as each other, and I have been humbled and immensely proud many times this year by the supportive comments, acts of kindness and the resilience, resolve and happiness of our pupils. Thank you.

We don’t always get decisions right and we cannot please everyone but we will always try out hardest for your children. We care deeply about their wellbeing, the quality of their education and future prospects and we will continue to work in partnership with you, to ensure that they achieve their potential.

Thank you to my wonderful staff team. I am not quite sure how they have held me, their pupils and themselves together this year – it has been a journey! The staff at Bowmansgreen have done an incredible job at providing your children (and me!) with the support, nurturing and certainty that they have needed to help them cope this year. Thank you everyone – I couldn’t have done this year without you all; your trust, patience and understanding… even when through gritted teeth and deep breaths!

Have a lovely summer!