
A small request from Mrs Stanley

After Easter, we are hoping to weed and set our vegetable beds and planters, around school. We would like to grow salad and root vegetables, flowers and sunflowers.

We would really appreciate donations of:

  • bags of compost/grow bags
  • strawberry plants
  • seeds (lettuce, radish, tomato, runner bean, beetroot, rainbow chard, carrot, parsnip, pumpkin, courgette, sunflower, cornflower, meadow/country wild flower… or any other favourite flowers!)

Any donations would be greatly received – please send into school during the first week back, after the Easter holiday.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Stanley

Headteacher’s Blog

It has been a very busy few weeks at Bowmansgreen!

Last Friday, FOBS held a Mothers’ Day sale. Pupils excitedly browsed and selected their gifts – leaving the tables almost completely bare! Thank you to FOBS for organising this successful event, helping to raise much needed funds for our school. We hope that your Mothers’ Day was made even more special by the extra little surprise you may have received!

Pupils who eat school meals have been enjoying taking part in this year’s Eat Them To Defeat Them campaign which aims to encourage children to eat more vegetables. Pupils have had fun trying something new; increasing the number of portions they eat throughout the week; and being surprised to find out about the vegetables hiding inside some of the very tasty desserts!

If your child is entitled to free school meals (either because they are in EYFS or KS1 or they are eligible due to family, income-related benefits) I would encourage you to take up the offer. You can choose for your child to eat school meals as regularly or infrequently as you would like – some children prefer to switch between packed lunch and school dinners throughout the week. If your family is eligible, choosing free school meals for your child makes sense financially and ensures that your child receives a nutritious meal, daily.

The cost of living crisis is affecting us all, including in terms of rising food prices. Regrettably, as a direct result of these and other rising costs, the price of school meals will go up after Easter – you will receive a letter on Monday detailing the increase. As above, if you think that your child is eligible for free school meals or you have not yet taken up their entitlement, please check online or ask at the school office.

Since the last blog, we have held two curriculum evenings, focusing on the subjects of English and science. As always, it is lovely to welcome families into school and share aspects of the curriculum with you. Pupils are always so proud to show you their learning and it is an important experience and skill for them, to discuss and explain what they have been busy learning at school. Thank you to Mrs Campbell and Miss Allen for organising these two events. Our next curriculum evening takes place on 13th July.

Please be reminded to adhere to the parking restrictions around school. The restrictions were long fought for to help ensure the safety of our school community and local residents. We expect an increased volume of school traffic during inclement weather but there have been several days recently where the parking has been inconsiderate and dangerous for our families and neighbours. The restrictions have made a significant difference to the flow of traffic and safety of drivers, pedestrians and residents which we cannot afford to compromise.

Families with blue parking badges have been able to use the disabled parking spaces within the staff car park. The significant rise in the number of families with blue badges, however, means that we can no longer safely accommodate the number of cars, with the badges, into the car park alongside staff vehicles – there are often too many cars for the number of spaces available which has created a few dangerous obstructions and very stressful situations. The situation was not sustainable before our building work began and it has since intensified. We are carrying out a review and risk assessment to ascertain the level of need for these spaces and decide upon a criteria and conditions for the use of these spaces by families and visitors. Moving forward and as part of the risk assessment, if both disabled parking spaces are in use, families with blue badges will be informed of this at the gate and asked to park out on the road. This decision is to help ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians and to minimise dangerous obstructions and manoeuvres on-site. Blue badge holders are able to park on both single and double yellow lines. Details of this review and risk assessment, to follow.

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan began on Wednesday. Every year, some of our older pupils fast during Ramadan – sometimes for part or all of this time. If your child chooses to fast, please let the school office know so that we are aware and can be mindful and accommodating of their decision, especially in terms of lunchtime and physical activities.

Some very happy news to share…. Congratulations to Mrs Davis who is now a very proud mummy to her baby son. Both mother and baby have been doing well and we look forward to seeing them both soon.

Please be reminded that Monday 8th May, 2023 will be a national bank holiday, in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles lll. We will be holding our own celebration event on Friday 5th May, with families welcome from 2pm. More details to follow.

Enjoy your weekend.

Headteacher’s Blog

It has certainly been a busy couple of weeks! Story cafes, cycling events and discos are amongst the many activities that pupils have recently taken part in, at Bowmansgreen.

Thank you to the family members of pupils in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 who were able to join us for their child’s story café. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers, sharing a story and activity with their child and seeing aspects of our new phonics programme, in action. Pupils were very excited and (apart from some very teary goodbyes!) thoroughly enjoyed hosting family members in their classrooms. We look forward to inviting you to our next story cafés, in the summer term.

Last Monday, pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 took part in a fully funded cycling event. The purpose of the session was to check the safety of their bikes, to ensure that they are roadworthy and  pupils can ride safely, with confidence. Pupils were given bikes and helmets, if they had outgrown or no longer owned their own. It was a valuable event and great preparation for the Bikeability course which will take place later in the year.

This week is Children’s Mental Health week. The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘Let’s Connect.’ During yesterday’s assembly, pupils considered what it means to connect with others and who they connect with. They also thought about what it might feel like for people who do not feel connected or who are lonely. Pupils will be taking part in activities as part of this campaign, throughout the week.

Today is Safer Internet Day. Miss Golding launched the 2023 campaign with pupils during this morning’s assembly, which is based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. There are lots of resources for schools and families (select your preferred language) to mark the day and to support our roles in creating and maintaining a safe, online world for our children.

Last Friday was disco time at Bowmansgreen! Pupils across the school enjoyed their second disco of the year, having lots of fun, singing, dancing and spending valuable social time with their friends. Thank you to the FOBS committee for organising this event to help raise much needed funds for our school.

Take a look at the DSPL7 website, for information and resources for families in St Albans, including courses for parents and carers.

A belated thank you to a very generous parent at RedAlert PT who kindly donated some new netball bibs to Bowmansgreen. Our netballers have been training hard and taking part in matches with local schools, putting their new bibs to good use. Thank you very much!

This Thursday, our next Curriculum Evening takes place with English as the focus subject. Come along to share in your child’s learning, from 3.05pm – 4pm and 6-7pm, in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there!


Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about doctors, paramedics, and nurses. The children have enjoyed playing doctors in our role play area and helping their patients feel better.

We have created different emergency vehicles and people who help us, for our classroom display.

Thanks for all your support this half term. Your children have been working very hard.

We look forward to our new topic and learning all about transport, next half term.


The FOBtastic School Disco is back on Friday 3rd February

Each ticket includes glitter tattoos/ neon face-painting, a biscuit and squash.

Headteacher’s Blog

Kene Madueke Foundation

On Tuesday, Yvonne and Udoka Madueke visited Bowmansgreen to lead a special assembly for pupils in Y4 – Y6. They talked about their talented, courageous son Kene who was a former pupil at Bowmansgreen, and the foundation they have set up in his memory. The Kene Madueke Foundation, supports teenagers diagnosed with cancer and other terminal illnesses.

Tuesday was a non-uniform day, where staff and pupils wore yellow – the colour commonly associated with certain types of cancer, particularly childhood cancer or sarcoma. The assembly informed and supported pupils’ understanding of why and how some people can develop cancer and how we might be able to support them, ourselves and each other when someone we know becomes ill.

Pupils took this opportunity to share some of their own experiences and ask thoughtful, pertinent questions. The assembly also highlighted how many families within our school community have been affected by cancer – more than two thirds of pupils sharing that they have a family member or know someone close, who has or has had cancer.

It was unexpected and incredibly uplifting, just how many pupils seized this opportunity to learn and share their own experiences.

A huge thank you to Yvonne and Udoka for sharing their family’s experience and journey; for helping to raise awareness of a disease that affects so many families within our school community and beyond; and for empowering our pupils with knowledge.

Thank you Bowmansgreen families, for helping to raise £400 for the The Kene Madueke Foundation.



This half term, Reception are learning about the people who help us.

This week, we focused on the police, with a ‘crime scene’ in the book corner.

The children became police officers and investigated the scene, looking for clues and thinking about who could have caused such a mess!

The children have enjoyed dressing up as police officers and solving crimes.

We have also been decorating police cars and making our own police officers.


We look forward to finding out more about the different people who help us in the community, next week.



Bag2School Collection – Recycle / Reuse Project

Friday 20th January – 8.15 – 9.00am

Bag2School is back!  This is a great way to declutter whilst raising cash for Bowmansgreen.  Bags will be sent home with the children w/c 16/01/23, or feel free to use your own bags.

Please donate unwanted clothing, shoes (paired), jewellery, cuddly toys and linen, then leave by the mosaic mural outside the main school office entrance between 8.15-9.00am on 20th January.

All donations must be made during the morning drop-off as Bag2School will collect shortly afterwards.

To see the full list of what can/cannot be donated please check out the Bag2School website –

You’ll be please to hear that Mrs Stanley’s cake and drinks stall will also be at the Bag2School drop-off point. So you can have a Friday morning cuppa and cake,  yum!!!  FOBS are asking for parents to donate cakes, cookies or pastries for the stall. Please can all donations be dropped off at the school office the day before – Thursday 19th January.

Thank you again for supporting FOBS and your school. We couldn’t do this without you.

House Competition – speed stacking

Pupils in Key Stage Two took part in a speed stacking competition, as their first House event of the school year.

Congratulations to Hadley who was a double class and year group winner and the overall competition winner.

Well done to all pupils who took part, gave it their best efforts and had great fun!

Thank your to Mr Sanders and our sports ambassadors, who organised and ran the event.


Class winners – 10 house points for each win

3ORAlfie (Wiggs)Alfie (Wiggs)
3RMSofia (Wiggs)David (Wiggs)
4RHugo (Kenny)Abdul (Wiggs)
4SZara (Kenny)Zara (Kenny)
5HHadley (Morpurgo)Hadley (Morpurgo)
5ALibby (Wiggs)Maddison (Morpurgo)
6RRosa (Kenny)Abigail (Whitlock)
6GFaye (Kenny)Faye (Kenny)

Year group winners – 15 house points for each win

Year Group3-3-33-6-3
3 – boysAlfie (Wiggs)Alfie (Wiggs)
3 – girlsSofia (Wiggs)Fern (Wiggs)
4 – boysHugo (Kenny)Abdul (Wiggs)
4 – girlsZara (Kenny)Zara (Kenny)
5 – boysHadley (Morpurgo)Hadley (Morpurgo)
5 – girlsZoha (Kenny)Maddison (Morpurgo)
6 – boysHarry G (Kenny)Harry G (Kenny)
6 – girlsFaye (Kenny)Faye (Kenny)


Overall winner – 25 house points for each win

Hadley (Morpurgo)Hadley (Morpurgo)

Headteacher’s Blog

The last two weeks of term have flown by – it has been a very busy fortnight!

The extent of the recent, heavy snow and icy conditions caused major disruption and a ‘snow day’ for many schools, locally and nationally, including Bowmansgreen. Thank you for your patience and support during a few very cold, precarious days. School resumed on Tuesday and thankfully, by Thursday, the roads were safe enough for Mr Regan and Mrs Elborough to accompany pupils for their final ‘Go Wild!’ session of the term. Pupils has great fun in the snow, in the picturesque surroundings of Hudnall Park.

Last week, our EYFS and Key Stage One classes took part in Nativity performances, to the rest of the school and their family members. Pupils were fantastic! It was a pleasure to see them on stage, performing their lines, singing and dancing: many of them, for the very first time. Well done children – you should be very proud of yourselves!

Last Friday, Year 6 led our Christingle service. Despite a last minute change of venue, due to the icy weather conditions, Year 6 successfully led the service at school, joined by family, friends and pupils in Key Stages One and Two. What a fantastic job they did, in adapting to a change of venue and alterations to their best laid plans! Well done Year 6, for sharing with us such a beautiful, fitting performance as your final Bowmansgreen Christingle service.

On Monday, pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 performed their carol concert, twice in one day – first, to the whole school and then to their family members. Mr Bronstein accompanied on piano, as pupils sang in year groups and altogether, as well as some numbers performed by the choir. It was such a lovely occasion and a really impressive display of the talent and school ethos, at Bowmansgreen.

Thank you to the staff involved throughout all stages of the planning and organisation of these events and to the family members who turned out to support their children and the performances. The biggest ‘thank you’ goes to our amazing pupils who entertained, impressed and made us all feel very proud, with their energy, bravery and talent. Well done!

Free mental health advice and guidance for children and young people (CYP) in Hertfordshire (aged 10-25yrs) via, The service provides a free, safe and anonymous place for people to connect with others and know they are not alone. Drop-in or booked sessions with professional counsellors, from 12pm-10pm weekdays and 6pm-10pm weekends.

Free Eating Disorder Support for CYP in Hertfordshire (aged 5-18yrs) via First Steps to Understanding Eating Disorders (First Steps ED), offering face to face and digital one-to-one support sessions, as well as weekly psychoeducation and group support programmes (Wellbeing Workshop, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Support Group, Binge Eating Workshops etc). This service is also available to support parents, carers and older siblings (18 years +) with workshops and one-to-one parent support. Referrals (including self-referrals) are made via

Here for you – Winter Campaign. Please be aware of this Hertfordshire campaign detailing some of the support that is on offer, locally and nationally, to help manage the rising cost-of-living and to stay safe and well this winter.

Winter HAPpy camps are running during the Christmas holidays, from today (22nd Dec) until 4th Jan, 2023. Eligible children and young people (those in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals) can enjoy a choice of free activity sessions, which include sports, physical activity, craft activities, food and nutrition advice and a free, nutritious meal.
Please visit the Herts Sports Partnerships website for more information.

On behalf of all the staff, who have been overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity, I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ for your support, kind words, Christmas cards and gifts in the last few days and weeks. It really is much appreciated and reinforces what an amazingly supportive, kind and caring school community we are!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.

See you all in 2023!