
Wellbeing Curriculum Evening

We hope you all enjoyed the first curriculum evening of the new academic year which celebrated our Wellbeing Week.
Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the evening.
Breakfast Club
WBW - Breakfast Club
WBW - Reception
Year 1
WBW - Year 1
Year 2
WBW - Year 2
Year 3
WBW - Year 3
Year 4
WBW - Year 4
Year 5
WBW - Year 5
Year 6
WBW - Year 6

FOBS – Cauliflower Cards

Your child/ren have once again got the opportunity to design their own greetings cards. This could be for Christmas, Eid, New Year or any other occasion. If you would like to order your design as a card (or gift tag) Bowmansgreen School will receive £1 for each pack of cards ordered. We know that in the past children, parents and carers have enjoyed having a unique card that they can send to family / friends.
Please follow the steps below if you would like to order your child’s design as a card:
1) Design the picture on paper and attach with glue to the attached form.
2) Complete the attached paperwork (steps 1-4) detailing what you would like to order.
3) Return the completed form to school by Tuesday 31st October, with full payment by cheque (made payable to Bowmansgreen School) or in cash (correct payment only – no change will be given).

Sports News from Mr Sanders – 20.10.17

Boys v Mandeville
The Boys played a Wix 7-a-side qualifier away v Mandeville on Friday 13th October and the date didn’t help the Bowmansgreen boys as they lost 4-2. It was a slow start and Mandeville took advantage, with the speedy winger exploiting the space on the pitch to score two goals in five minutes. Bowmansgreen however, fought their way back into the game before half time as first George and then Ollie scored to give some hope. They played well for most of the half and looked the most likely team to win the game. The 2nd half proved otherwise, as Mandeville scored twice on the break, even though Bowmansgreen created more chances and had more possession.
An improved performance and the boys look forward to starting the league matches on Monday.
Squad – Taye, George, Freddie, Ollie, Isa, Tommy, James & Alfie.
The boys hosted SASS in the league on Monday 16th October, hoping to gain their first win of the season. Playing with only seven players, the win came as an improved 2nd half performance gave the 3 points to the boys in green. The game started well for the Bowmansgreen lads as they managed to control possession early on in the first half. Tommy was looking to get attacks going, passing the ball wide for Isa and Ollie to move onto. James got several chances but found the SASS keeper in decent form, making two saves and keeping the score level. As the half went on, SASS got more into the game and their hard work rate and quick passing eventually produced a goal, right on half time. The SASS centre forward got to the ball before Taye and Freddie were able to clear and poked the ball into the net.
The second half went the same way as the start of the first half with Bowmansgreen having more of the ball but with no end product. Freddie and George looked solid in defence and this allowed more freedom going forward. James eventually equalised as he appeared in the right place at the right time to steer a right footed shot into the bottom corner. This seemed to urge the team forward and the winner came via Isa, who again, made a good run into the area after good approach play from Tommy and Ollie, and applied a good finish right near the end of the game.
Final score Bowmansgreen 2-1 SASS.
Squad – Taye, George, Freddie, Ollie, Isa, Tommy & James.
Cross Country Results
Girls                                                                     Boys
Laila Brown – 16                                               Zeph Lindo – 23
Mia Piper – 25                                                   Tommy Cowie – 25
Leila Odaro Burnett – 46                                James Ingham – 26
Anita Minouai – 89                                          Isa Khan – 64
Mya Hammond – 91                                        Jack Gentleman – 95
Lacey Mae Baylis Donovan – 97
Great set of results and fantastic team scores – an impressive improvement on the previous race.
Boys v Aboyne Lodge
The Boys football team played Aboyne Lodge in the St Albans Cup on Wednesday 18th October hoping to continue the recent good form. It started well as Tommy gave the Bowmansgreen side a 1-0 lead going towards half time and James doubled the advantage just before the whistle. The 2nd half was the same as James scored again, and along with Ollie, made the score 4-0. Aboyne Lodge notched one back near the final whistle to make the final score 4-1.
Squad – Taye, George B, Freddie, Tommy, Ollie, Jack, Isa, & James.
Basketball competition
Several year 6 children represented Bowmansgreen in The Harpenden Sports Partnership Basketball Competition. Against strong opposition, the team battled hard but unfortunately lost all three group games against Crabtree, Cunningham Hill and The Grove, although the performances did improve each game.
Squad – Jack, Dylan, James, Kieran, Lily, Marilena, Sienna & Emily.

Parent Council

Yes we are still here and continue working with the school to exchange parents’ views about school life but we would love to welcome new members to join in our half-termly meetings and projects.
So what do we do?
Our main function is to act as an intermediary between parents and the school, anything from being a sounding board to canvassing opinion in either direction with a constant underlying principle of promoting and helping better the school and therefore the education of our children.
What have we been involved in our first two years?
Promoting and analysing Parent View (btw please go to Parent View – and give your feedback for this year if you haven’t already).
Solutions for the parking and busy roads around the gates (still ongoing, ideas welcome).
School uniform options including securing the free delivery code (BGPFD35).
Wellbeing education in school.
Breakfast club promotion – watch this space for a survey coming soon
Who are we?
Having been established by Lee David (children in years 4 and 2) & Claire Nikitas (years 5 & 2) two years ago, they have now handed over the chair and secretary positions to Mark Castle (year 4) and Sarah Klinger (years 4 & 2) but other members include Susan Nickolds, Julia Brent, Justyna Stuart, Rob Webb, Helen Russell, Fiona Taylor, Sam Gentleman, Lisa Smith and others. So want to get involved? Want to know more? Have something to say about school – can be anything and kept confidential if you prefer? Then please email us at
We look forward to hearing from you or just come along to our next meeting. Remember the more feedback you give to the school, the more improvements can be made that benefit your children!

School Photographs

Individual & Family Your child/children will have bought home their school photos this week. If you would like to order the photo/s please return the form and payment by Tuesday 31st October. Orders received after this date can still be ordered but may incur additional costs.

Early Years News from Miss Robbins – 20.10.17

This week
We are feeling so good after all the activities we’ve been doing to promote well-being! We’ve been making sparkly Rainbow fish and talking about how it makes us feel happy if we are kind to our friends and share. We have all made a ‘glitter bottle’ like they showed us in the play we watched last week. When we shake them the glitter is racing around like our feelings and as we watch it settle, it calms us down. We have made flour filled balloons that we can squeeze when we feel stressed. We will all be bringing home a certificate that says what we think we’re good at, what our teacher thinks we’re good at and why our friends think we’re special. We had a workshop where we each applied a hand scrub and then soothing cream to make our hands soft. We listened to different music that made us feel happy. We also had pineapple and melon to eat to encourage healthy eating.
After half term
We will be starting our new topic of ‘colour and light’ with a bang by talking and doing activities to do with Bonfire night and Halloween. We will be reading the story of ‘Room on a Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and learning about rhyme. We will be making potions with a focus on adding and subtracting. We will be talking about keeping safe on ‘Bonfire Night’ and looking at the firework safety code.
Curriculum evening
It was lovely to see so many of you at the curriculum evening and we hope you enjoyed looking at some of the things the children have been doing.
The children are all independent now and none of them need help in the mornings so please say goodbye at the door. We will be starting ‘Reading Registration’ next half term so you can come in with your child on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to share a book or two with them. This finishes at 8.55am.
Bike Ride
The children have now raised £490! Thank you to you and to all your sponsors. We will now start ordering the new equipment for the children. It is still not too late if you haven’t brought the money in yet.