
Reception News from Ms Robbins – 17.11.17

This week
We have enjoyed making Elmers from the milk bottles we brought in. Also, we have been busy drawing some lovely pictures of jungle animals and had a go at writing our names. We have been hunting for tessellating patterns and now know which shapes will tessellate. Rehearsals for our Christmas play have begun and we all now know which part we will play.
Next week
We will be focusing on Nursery rhymes. There are a lot of these in our Christmas play and we need to make sure we know them. We will be looking at different objects and using ‘wow’ words to describe them. In maths we will be focusing on positional language and giving directions.
Christmas Play
We have sent home a letter to parents with every child this week letting you know their parts, what you need to provide for their costume and any lines they might need to learn.